Interesting and Humour - page 4578




Nikolai Krylov:


That's why it's scary to meet someone in make-up, 99.9% scarecrow, you'll be scared in the morning - no granny will shake you off :)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

That's why it's scary to get acquainted if you're wearing make-up, 99.9% scarecrow, you'll be scared in the morning - no granny will shake you off :)

Why wait till morning?

you do your job, call a taxi, say goodbye madam, taxi's here !

Denis Sartakov:

why wait till morning?

you do your job, call a taxi, say goodbye, madam, taxi's here !

Not everyone is a rabbit :)

A married couple walks through the zoo in front of the guide talking about animals:
- This is a giraffe that lives in Africa, it's a herbivore, the intercourse lasts
"3" hours.
- Wife to husband, got it, YES!!! - Husband lowers his head, blushing.
The Guide stops at a cage with a kangaroo: it's an animal that lives in Australia.
in Australia, intercourse lasts "2" hours.
- Wife to husband: you see, not like you. (Husband lowered his head even more.
) They go on, approach a cage with a reindeer. The guide
explains :
- it's a reindeer that lives in the north. The intercourse lasts 10 seconds.
The husband raises his head and says, happy as can be:
- Got it! Yes! Got it! Yes!!!
- Wife to husband: Dummy, look at his horns.

Two traders meet and talk to each other.

One asks the other.

- How do you manage to live off the market?

The other one scratches his head and answers.

- Before noon I take 5% from the market, and in the afternoon I withdraw 5.

And I live on that 5%.


I'll give it to Alexei for his piggy bank.)


Spiridon Abramov - whether Yuri Abramov is a 'beautiful' paragon of faith - lights up

Uladzimir Izerski:

Two traders meet and talk to each other.

One asks the other.

- How do you manage to live off the market?

The other one scratches his head and answers.

- Before noon I take 5% from the market, and in the afternoon I withdraw 5.

And I live on that 5%.


Alexey gets a piggy bank from me.)

Thank you Vladimir, I like to save everything.
Nikolai Krylov:

The eve can be answered like this:

"Matchmakers" is in the picture.

Something tells me that one of the characters in the film,a member of our resource

Ivan Butko
Ivan Butko
Опубликовал MetaTrader 4 сигнал Добавил тему В чём смысл держать большой депо при небольшой просадке? Это же простаивание депозита, но с большим риском (поставщик/управляющий может и не сдержать декларацию и слить "нажитое"). Не легче такой депо хранить на ЛС, либо пустить в дело, а торговать с просадкой 50-70 при меньшем депо и том же...
Vitaly Muzichenko:

So you asked the wrong people.) Women wouldn't hit.