Interesting and Humour - page 3434

Igor Konyashin:

Nikolai, I always read your comments with interest, they are very non-trivial.... Usually, the average resident of 1/7th of the land has America and Israel to blame for all the troubles. But you have a different interpretation. Please explain for your picture of the world: global parasites - who are they? Freemasons, Illuminati, Reptiloids, Annunaki? Who represents them, who is affiliated with them, where do they have their headquarters in the end?

In Antarctica, obviously, under a 5 km layer of ice. That is why no one has seen them )).
Nikolay Demko:

Nikolai, I wonder: would you believe so strongly in the existence of a predictor if for example the imperialist pyramid were headed not by the USA, but by, say, Russia.

The world would be unipolar and Russia would be the centre of the world? Would your views change?

If so, your dissatisfaction is not with the predictor, but with the place where you live, and by emigrating to the USA you will find peace of mind.

Otherwise, you have a disappointing prognosis, the world has been like that for a long time, maybe it will change at some point, but not in our lifetime. And living in a world you hate is a horror, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Maybe he is a down-and-out criminal for ratting predictors) you should check his genetics) you know, it is better to be a thief than a rooster who pretends to be an emigrant prophet in the 90s, and overall he is a skillful compilation of various philosophical and religious teachings!
Alexandr Saprykin:

And they say there is unemployment in the country, people are poor, there is nothing to eat. And the unemployed turn out to live quite well.

This is the linguistic negligence of today's "journalists".

Unemployed and unemployed are different concepts, just like untouchable and untouchable, to deny and refute...

Nikolay Demko:

Nikolai, I wonder: would you so devoutly believe in the existence of a predictor if, for example, the head of the imperialist pyramid were not the USA, but, say, Russia.

The world would be unipolar and Russia would be the centre of the world? Would your views change?

If so, your dissatisfaction is not with the predictor, but with the place where you live, and by emigrating to the USA you will find peace of mind.

Otherwise, you have a disappointing prognosis, the world has been like that for a long time, maybe it will change at some point, but not in our lifetime. And living in a world that you hate is a horror, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

The whole question is not who is at the head of the pyramid, but what is the quality of that head, and if that head is a complete bastard and pervert, then the best option is the physical elimination of the bastard, especially when very ideal conditions for that appear. And there is precisely such a scenario ahead. Another thing is that the global parasite is going to liquidate everyone, including you, and if you do not see it, maybe it's better that way! You will be liquidated as unnecessary biomass, like Gaddafi, for example. I personally would have nothing against it, but unfortunately conditions are such that I am not going to go to the slaughter with the likes of you.

And I have an even less comforting prognosis for you, this world will soon change beyond recognition, but in this new world there will be far from a good place for people like you, if you manage to survive until then, which I highly doubt.


This is the linguistic negligence of today's 'journalists'.

Unemployed and unemployed are different after all, just like untouchable and untouchable, reject and refute...

I'm terrified to imagine the future of journalism. One summer I read an article on the website of a regional newspaper. The article was small, three paragraphs long. But there were a lot of gross grammatical errors. So many that it was hard to understand the gist of the article. I wrote a letter to the editors asking them to correct the mistakes.
A few hours later a reply came back. They thanked me and wrote that the article was written by trainee students. And that all the errors had been corrected.
When I opened the article, around 10 per cent of the errors had been corrected. So these are the students. Doesn't Word not underline their mistakes?
Alexander Antoshkin:
Maybe he is a lowlife criminal for pimping predictors) we should check his genetics) you know, it is better to be a thief than a rooster who pretends to be an emigrant prophet of the 90s. Overall, it is a skillful compilation of different philosophical and religious teachings! And it is a very clever compilation, made by a great intellectual who chose the Altai region's strategy
Sir, you're the only one who uses criminal slang.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Sir, you're the only one who uses criminal slang.

This is normal)... the main thing is that there is a translator who can compile another EA from the teachings if necessary and display it on the screen to encourage people.......... but even this is the norm)

What is not normal is that the translator gets a little crazy with his own compilations and makescomforting prognosis that the world will change soon ......... etc.

Nikolay Kositsin:

The whole question is not who is at the head of the pyramid, but what is the quality of that head, and if that head is a complete bastard and pervert, then the best option is the physical elimination of that bastard, especially when very ideal conditions for this appear. And that is exactly the way things are ahead. Another thing is that the global parasite is going to liquidate everyone, including you, and if you do not see it, maybe it's better that way! You will be liquidated as unnecessary biomass, like Gaddafi, for example. I personally would not have anything against it, but unfortunately conditions are such that I am not going to go to the slaughter with the likes of you.

And for you I have even less consoling prognosis, this world soon will change beyond recognition, but in this new world to people like you will not be the best place, if you manage to live to see it, which I very much doubt.

Don't you think that the environment (which has been formed hundreds of years) determines the quality of managers?

That is the essence that if in a present situation the right to rule the destinies of the world would be in the hands of the Russian establishment, it would be the same, or even worse (imho).

After all, the Russian mentality is less tolerant than the American one (again, imho).

As it is, I don't give a damn about Gaddafi. But I do care about the Kaluga entrepreneurs who appeal to Kadyrov for help, because they create jobs.

On the subject of frustration: I don't have inflated expectations, I can even get by without civilization, I can simply go to the forest and build a house with my own hands (many people aren't able to do that), I'm not hung up on numbers on a computer, although I understand a thing or two about it.

For me the world will not collapse, whatever the world order may be.

I remember the life of my great-grandparents (I lived with them and know how they lived, they were born before the historical materialism), I have absorbed their world-view. I know very well how my grandparents lived. I know very well how my parents lived.

And my personal worldview is the synthesis of four generations' worldviews (maybe even five, because I understand the meanings of how young people live today). I have the skills to live in any type of civilization up to the 6th technological level (including the Stone Age), and without losing enthusiasm.

So for me there will be no tragedy in any case.

This, by the way, was hinted at by Taleb in his lecture on anti-fragility. Today's world is highly overoptimized, people without civilization cannot survive, but they do not understand it, and thanks to all kinds of nonsense ideas (excuse me, yours included) they are ready to destroy civilization with their own hands.

And of course, you will pin the destruction of civilization on the global predictor, but on whom else? You do not admit that you yourselves laid a bomb under the foundation of world order, though you call to destroy it at every step.



Visibility 3%
Age 28 d 0 h 2 m

Chupacabra time :)

Nikolay Demko:

Don't you think that the formed environment (which has been formed for hundreds of years) determines the quality of managers?

I mean, the point is that if in the current situation the right to rule the fate of the world were in the hands of the Russian establishment, it would either be the same or even worse (imho).

After all, the Russian mentality is less tolerant than the American one (again, imho).

As it is, I don't give a damn about Gaddafi. But I do care about the Kaluga entrepreneurs who appeal to Kadyrov for help, because they create jobs.

On the subject of frustration: I don't have inflated expectations, I can even get by without civilization, I can simply go to the forest and build a house with my own hands (many people aren't able to do that), I'm not hung up on numbers on a computer, although I understand a thing or two about it.

For me the world will not collapse, whatever the world order may be.

I remember the life of my great-grandparents (I lived with them and know how they lived, they were born before the historical materialism), I have absorbed their world-view. I know very well how my grandparents lived. I know very well how my parents lived.

And my personal worldview is the synthesis of the worldviews of four generations (maybe even five, because I understand the meanings of how young people live today). I have the skills to live in any type of civilization up to the 6th technological level (including the Stone Age), and without losing enthusiasm.

So for me there will be no tragedy in any case.

This, by the way, was hinted at by Taleb in his lecture on anti-fragility. Today's world is highly overoptimized, people without civilization cannot survive, but they do not understand it, and thanks to all kinds of nonsense ideas (excuse me, yours included) they are ready to destroy civilization with their own hands.

And of course, you will blame the destruction of civilization on the global predictor, but on whom else? You don't admit that you have laid a bomb under the foundation of the world order, though you call for its destruction at every step.

What civilization? The civilization of parasites? Well, the global parasite itself has already laid this bomb in the form of hordes of Arab settlers of militant age, and these militants will soon slaughter the population of Europe. Which civilisation? The one that bombed Yugoslavia, threw an atom bomb on Herosima, ripped off the people of Libya, genocided Syria? Even the elimination of the entire community of parasites from the golden billion will cause an unprecedented flourishing of the entire human civilisation, and the elimination of a handful of European and American scum and their pyramid of control will only improve the condition of the planet in general. The present civilisation shits under itself and the scale of how much it has shat is such that only a round idiot can utter such nonsense, that such a bench can go on to infinity. If a global parasite is going to stage a Maidan in the country where I live, why can't I have a perfectly just response in the form of destroying the global parasite like a rabid dog?

And as for the Russian establishment, dk in a colony, and Russia is a colony, the Saxons always put zoological scum of humanity in charge and then replace them with even more complete bastards. And the morals of those bastards have nothing to do with the Russian mentality.