Interesting and Humour - page 1037


If you throw a drop of molten glass into the water, it will take the shape of a tadpole with a very long tail. The most interesting thing about this experiment is that if you hit the spherical part with a hammer, the frozen drop will not break. But if you hit the tail lightly, the whole glass tadpole just explodes. This is clearly visible in the slow-motion video at 130,000 frames per second.



Does anyone know what one short "pi" from the computer's loudspeaker means when it is running? I underline - not during boot up

put in a new video card, the situation has not changed

no dust

all temperatures are normal

RAM normal

hard drives ok

no viruses

no false processes

no bad internet connections


When the MF is running _maybe beeping when the CPU cooler stops for a short time (or if its contacts are unreliable). Check it.
Check BIOS for Advanced settings: peripherals, power, temperature, etc.; sound system settings for "voice" events;
Disable the synthesiser in the sound settings to check.

P.S. from the keyboard most likely: several or mutually exclusive keys pressed simultaneously.



I underline - not when loading

At what point?

If you throw a drop of molten glass into the water, it will take the shape of a tadpole with a very long tail. The most interesting thing about this experiment is that if you hit the spherical part with a hammer, the frozen drop will not break. But if you hit the tail lightly, the whole glass tadpole just explodes. You can see it clearly in the slow-motion video at 130,000 frames per second.

It's quite an entertaining experience. :)

It's all about non-uniformity of internal stresses over volume, which occur during (and persist after) glass cooling in water. Everybody knows what happens when you pour hot water into a cold glass... Whether the glass bursts or not depends on the temperature difference between the glass and the liquid, the thickness of the glass walls and the composition of the glass. Obviously, not every brand of glass will have the same bright effect as in the video.

Oops, what am I doing? Spring, the experiments on (*)(*) have more... In short, more interesting.

At what point?
the video started to slow down , with a heavy load on the video the PI sounds

Oops, what am I doing. It's spring, experiments on (*)(*) have more... More interesting.

are you gonna throw it in the water? is there gonna be a video?
video slows down, PI sounds at high video load
Overheating is inevitable - hoover in your hands and go.
overheating - hoover in your hands and go.

Andryukha, I've written everything on purpose.