Interesting and Humour - page 3014

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Is that a key indicator of negativity?

And fights, and neighbourhood against neighbourhood and all sorts of things -- so what?

As Gleb Zheglov used to say: "It's a bit of a wash for the neighbour's testimony, but we weren't based on it at all"

Isn't that a positive?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Isn't that a positive thing?
These are the shortcomings that have been worked on to eradicate
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Isn't that a positive?

It is a common measure of strength amongst the male population. Finding out who's stronger. That you've never fought anyone, never been in a fight?

It's just district against district - it's a collective measure of strength.

Alexandr Saprykin:

It is a common measure of strength amongst the male population. Finding out who's stronger. That you've never fought anyone, never been in a fight?

It's just district against district, it's a collective measure of strength.

Yeah yeah... what's a wedding without a fight?

And I had a thesis in the USSR: 'Thermal stabilisation of microbial spores in autonomous aircraft systems' ... financed by Baikonur ... after the collapse of the USSR, all state inventions (and they were as if secret) were given to the authors ... I paid ... then travelled from Kaliningrad to a sort of (Muscovites always say "sort of") scientific exchange of ideas at VDNKh ... a scam ...

And at this time, bosses in Moscow went on business trips to the West, selling ideas (and we at research institutes were also forced to sign off our ideas for them).

And then everyone was told that the funding had run out ... My wife (also on the same terms there) and small child did not interest anyone ... There was no money ....

Then I was taken to the OSCE mission in Bosnia - Moscow called me personally ... (to organise elections in Bosnia), I recruited a group from north-west Russia there, then elections for the separation of East Timor from Indonesia (he UN), then Liberia (work in the UN), Cambodia ... etc.

Then came to Kaliningrad already a great international specialist in secession of different territories ... Gained fame in this field ... no work of course ... but theoretical and practical knowledge of how to secede Kaliningrad as the former Königsberg from Russia was ... Calls started coming in...

I went myself to the Federal Tax Inspectorate (thinking that it was not gangsters calling, but tax officials) with a simple question: "Can you check where the money came from? He travelled halfway around the world on diplomatic visas and had crumpled cash in his pocket". They said: "We can. From who?". I said: "Me." They kept silent (my wife was crying all the time, thinking that they would take me away for my Russianness like in the Soviet Union, offering to deport me to Israel as a Russian, like .... like they were saying in the regional administration that "we should be here, and you should go there as a Russian fool" ... at the time there were stories on TV about how Jews were oppressed in the USSR ... The tax office gave me a six-page paper saying that I should not pay taxes in Russia. The calls stopped.




I could write a book in volumes (like Tolstoy) ...

But I apologise - it has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Yeah yeah... what's a wedding without a fight?
A wedding without a fight is money down the drain
Alexandr Saprykin:

This is a common measure of strength among the male population.


There are sports to compete with strength, and these fights with armature, brass knuckles, chains, after which people crawl away with fractures, are just self-destruction.
Sergey Golubev:


I could write a book in volumes (like Tolstoy) ...
But I'm sorry - it has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism.

It would be interesting.
By the way, my wife later went to Israel herself (on a trip, without me), and she loved it...

So you think ...
Sergey Golubev:

Then he came to Kaliningrad already a class international specialist in the separation of various territories ...

Do you not fear retaliation -- as an active participant in the destruction of "various territories"?