Interesting and Humour - page 3089

Alexey Viktorov:

I, too, used to say no... One careless word and it's been several years since I built a house in the countryside, enjoyed the blossoming apple and pear trees, enjoyed the sight of growing plums, currants and gooseberries. But how wonderful it is that potatoes, onions, etc. do not concern me...

That is to say, they never started digging in the ground.

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Alexandr Saprykin:

That is, they never got around to digging into the ground.

Is that the only problem? And besides that, there's so much to worry about... And there's nowhere to go.
Ди Каприо даст показания по делу о клевете в отношении прототипа героя "Волк с Уолл-стрит"
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 18 июня. /Корр. ТАСС Кирилл Волков/. Голливудский актер Леонардо Ди Каприо даст свидетельские показания на судебных слушаниях по иску о клевете, который подал прототип одного из героев фильма режиссера Мартина Скорсезе "Волк с Уолл-стрит" (The Wolf of Wall Street, 2013). Речь идет об иске, поданном в 2014 году в суд города...

In general, if they have - it's not worth sticking your head out!

i agree with him :-)

mutual pleasure is guaranteed :-)))

they can pour the milk into the ground

while we develop the economy.

VLADIVOSTOK, June 18. /TASS/. Kremlin Chief of Staff Sergei Ivanov has spoken in favour of maintaining the sanctions regime between Russia and Western countries as it pushes domestic production towards development. In an interview with Sergei Brilev, host of the "Vesti v Saturday" program, he said that Russia had already overcome the most difficult period associated with the imposition of sanctions.

The EU, the US and several other countries imposed individual and sectoral sanctions against Russia in 2014. This was related to the events in Ukraine and Crimea's reunification with Russia.

Moscow responded with so-called counter-sanctions against the EU, the US, Australia, Canada and Norway. They are a ban on imports of fruit, vegetables, dairy and meat products from these countries to Russia.

Personally, I would like the sanctions against us to last longer rather than be lifted quickly. This is my personal opinion. We talked for a long time about economic diversification... You know, there is a saying "there was no fortune but unhappiness helped". It worked in this case.
Sergey Ivanov Headof the Russian Presidential Administration
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Who pours milk into the ground?
Who pours milk into the ground?

;-)))) Dima ... Why do you take everything so literally ! ?

You seemed to take the idea literally, as if Kutuzov ran through Moscow with a torch in 1812 and set it on fire.

and now you literally want to have a list of everyone who pours milk into the ground

God knows, maybe nobody poured milk on the ground :-)))) Don't watch zombie TV - it will be easier.

Yuriy Zaytsev:


God knows, maybe no one has poured anything out :-)))) Don't watch zombie TV - it will be easier.

Well, they're pouring out a little bit...

Anatoli Kazharski:

So, pouring out a little...

There's Dima - here's even a video for you

See - you can probably find out the names if you want to

Who pours milk into the ground?

(They're pouring it in so hard it won't hurt. )