Interesting and Humour - page 877


Why do you have to intercede for him? )

He's not a patsy, he can get away with it.

So, off we go, can't you see we're resting?



OK, off we go, can't you see we're resting?

(laughing on the grass?) ))

ZS: What's the right thing to do:

Mischke and Hedgehog or

Bears and Yoshik?


(You're kidding on the weed?) ))

ZS: What's the right thing to do:

Bears and Hedgehog or

Bears and Yoshik?

I'm not talking about what fell on your "o" when you signed up.
Man, I don't have to tell you what fell on your "o" when you checked in.
did you see everything? )

Do you have a licence?

It's the woman's fault.

Depends on where the impact occurred. If it was to the left side, the lady cut him off. If in the back, the truck wasn't keeping its distance. The cops have a big manual with pictures on the subject.

But judging by the way the driver is inspecting the damage, the impact was to the left side.


Depends on where the impact occurred. If it was to the left side, the lady was cutting off. If in the back, the truck wasn't keeping its distance. The cops have a big manual with pictures on the subject.

But judging by the way the driver is inspecting the damage, the impact was on the left side.

Well, you can see on the video that she didn't complete the manoeuvre and is standing in the diagonal between the lanes.
Well, you can see on the video that she didn't complete the manoeuvre and she's standing in the diagonal between the lanes.

Yes, it does.

Which begs another question, who put it online? It's the car DVR in the woman's car.

1. It's not the aunt's car, it's her mate's, maybe her dad's. She's calling her mum, though (but there's a chance her boyfriend is on a business trip or they're fighting at the moment). Unlikely

2. The recording was published by the aunt herself. Self-irony bordering on a colossal sense of humour. Unlikely.

3. Friend or girlfriend with access to the DVR posted it. Close friend, unlikely. Close girlfriend, very possible.

4. Stupid horse gave that tape to the cops to prove her innocence. One of the cops published it. Very likely.