Interesting and Humour - page 1875


Scorpions ~ Ave Maria No Morro


In Germany, this is a new popular trend: according to the German association Bundesverband CarSharing, while only 20,000 Germans used short-term car rental services in 1997, the number is now around 460,000. The world's biggest car exporter has to adapt.

Carsharing in Germany


Good morning

artist Pavel Gladkov

In a good sense, Maxim Stepanenko should get 15 days in jail for this.

Глава миссионерского отдела томской РПЦ предложил называть матерей-одиночек «бл*дями»
Глава миссионерского отдела томской РПЦ предложил называть матерей-одиночек «бл*дями»
Глава миссионерского отдела Томской епархии Русской православной церкви Максим Степаненко опубликовал эссе, в котором предложил «реабилитировать» слово «бл*дь» по отношению к матерям-одиночкам, сославшись на этимологию этого слова.

Good morning

artist Pavel Gladkov

I wonder if the artist painted this picture while standing on the railway tracks?
The amazing fact is that Ford might not have existed. The now-famous Ford Motor Company is the second company Henry Ford has been involved in founding. The first company to produce cars based on Ford's designs was the Detroit Motor Company, which Henry Ford left because of a disagreement with the co-founders. And by the way, that company is now called Cadillac.
I wonder if the artist painted this picture standing right on the railway tracks.
Yeah, and the trains went around it).

The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia has approved a symbol for the rouble - a crossed out "R".

That's it, now we have a symbol just like American money. Let's live...

The Bank of Russia has approved a symbol in case of a ruble collapse:


The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia has approved a symbol for the rouble - a crossed-out letter "R".

That's it, now we have a symbol just like American money. Let's live...

I voted for the other one, it looks like the euro.