Interesting and Humour - page 2220


The classical evidence for the existence of God:

1. "From motion - to the First Mover".
2. "From the connection of cause and effect - to the Prime Mover".
3. "From randomness to Necessary Being.
4. "From Imperfections in the World - to Absolute Perfection.

5. "From Expediency in the World - to the World-Conductor".

"The moment a person begins to reflect on the meaning and value of life, one can begin to think of him as sick."
Sigmund Freud
"Well, there are two types of entrepreneurs: some have an idea but no client, and others have a client but no idea. As a rule, the latter wins. Let's say the American government orders $2 billion worth of space rockets a year. You may not have a rocket, but if you are in Ireland, no one orders these launches there, and even if a cool rocket appears, you won't sell it to anyone. That is, it is much better to have a client and not know how to make a perfect solution for him than the other way round. And in America, there are a lot of people with money - and specifically with a technology budget. For a number of services in Russia, there simply aren't enough customers: you can make them here, but you can't sell them. There are also companies like Evernote or Wrike, where the development office is in Russia, but the headquarters and main clients are still in America."
Кремниевая долина — новый Голливуд — Реальности не существует — Журнал «Афиша»
Кремниевая долина — новый Голливуд — Реальности не существует — Журнал «Афиша»
Основатель сервиса Advizzer Виктор Шишкарев сначала пытал­ся продвинуть свой бизнес в Пало-Альто, но не вышло, пришлось вернуться в Москву и делать все здесь. И это как раз очень в духе Кремниевой долины — пытаться, терпеть поражение, учиться на ошибках и пытаться снова «В 2008 году я первый раз съездил в Кремниевую долину, ненадолго —...

For those who remember.

The psychedelic pink vibes of the Iron Curtain era:


Abigail and Brittany Hensel are Siamese dicephalic twins.