Interesting and Humour - page 430

" Turns out there isn't a single finished still life "Cold beer with large steaming prawns" in the world. "
That's how our reformed police are...

В январе этого года житель предолимпийского Сочи Роман Петров, катаясь на лыжах в Красной Поляне, нашел айфон. Эта находка оказалась для него роковой — несмотря на то что он сам принес телефон в полицию, против Романа возбудили дело за кражу и посадили его в тюрьму.

While in the Adler pre-trial detention centre, Roman kept a diary. Pages from this diary are published today - they are shocking.


Shit. Been doing a lot of thinking. Smoking. Thinking again.

What do you expect? Once again they just shoot the freaks, because there is no other way out:

Steel movement activist Svetlana Kuritsyna, also known as "Sveta from Ivanovo", to host a talk show on NTV

No joke, man.