Interesting and Humour - page 2726


But that's only for humour :)

A proposal by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to expand restrictions on government purchases of foreign medical devices does not threaten public health and, in the case of condoms, will even help solve demographic problems in the country and promote careful choice of a sexual partner, Gennady Onishchenko, an aide to the Russian Prime Minister and former chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, told RIA Novosti.

Онищенко: снижение закупок зарубежных презервативов улучшит демографию
Онищенко: снижение закупок зарубежных презервативов улучшит демографию
  • 2015.08.04
МОСКВА, 4 авг — РИА Новости. Предложение Минпромторга расширить ограничения на госзакупки иностранных медицинских изделий не угрожает здоровью населения, а в случае с презервативами даже поможет решить демографические проблемы в стране и будет способствовать аккуратности в выборе полового партнера, заявил РИА Новости помощник главы...
Server Muradasilov:

But that's only for humour :)

A proposal by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to expand restrictions on government purchases of foreign medical devices does not threaten public health and, in the case of condoms, will even help solve demographic problems in the country and promote discretion in choosing a sexual partner, Gennady Onishchenko, an aide to the Russian Prime Minister and former chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, told RIA Novosti.

The topic has already been worked out:

Don Fabian, a young priest, arrives to serve on a small island in the Adriatic Sea and devises a cunning plan to improve the island's demographic situation...
A group of 5 young and hungry students are ready to help destroy any sanctioned products. Anonymous, personal visits, 300% guarantee
Anatoli Kazharski:

See what the goddamn pindos are up to - a goddamn board! They don't have the Christ on them....


See what the goddamn pindos are up to - a goddamn board! They don't have the Christ on them....

What did they come up with? A magnet? ) So put on a necklace and jump over the fire. )))
Anatoli Kazharski:
What did you come up with? A magnet? ) Well, put on your beads and jump over the fire. )))

I mean, not witchcraft??? Well, thank goodness........


I mean, not witchcraft??? Well, thank goodness........

I say hold on to the beads. The string will burn over the fire and fall apart. You won't know what to do later. ))
Юная британка превзошла по IQ Эйнштейна и Хокинга
Юная британка превзошла по IQ Эйнштейна и Хокинга
  • 2015.08.05
МОСКВА, 5 авг — РИА Новости. Невероятный показатель коэффициента интеллекта (IQ) в 162 балла позволил 12-летней британской школьнице Николь Барр на два балла обогнать одного из основателей современной физической теории Альберта Эйнштейна, а также одного из наиболее влиятельных физиков современности Стивена Хокинга, сообщает The Daily Mirror...

I mean, not witchcraft??? Well, thank goodness........

witchcraft! icons hanging in the air!
Witchcraft! icons hanging in the air!

What kind of witchcraft can there be with a St. George's ribbon, eh? Have you thought about what you said?

The spirit is holy. ......

But a fancy board flying through the air is sorcery and an anathema!