Interesting and Humour - page 715

It's Hard to Be God" could disorient our youth, rather than help them understand the laws of social development. If you agree with the idea, there is no excuse for the scenes of drunken orgies and the gibberish lingo in which the protagonists speak. In the novel "It Is Hard to Be God" the alcove scene of the lecherous Dona Ocana with Rumata is described with naturalistic details worthy of a tabloid novel.

Izvestia newspaper, 1966

- What do you think of the boots?
- Very provocative, I wouldn't take them.
- They're good boots, you should have them.

An office romance.

Since the news is so indignant, you need to read it :)

It's hard to be a God" may disorient our youth rather than help them to understand the laws of social development. If you agree with this idea, you cannot justify in any way neither the scenes of drunken orgies, nor the gibberish lingo in which the characters express themselves. In the novel "It Is Hard to Be God" the alcove scene of the lecherous Dona Ocana with Rumata is described with naturalistic details worthy of a tabloid novel.

Izvestia newspaper, 1966

Ha! And you tell me!


Thought a lot about "If you're from Peter ..."


I've come to the conclusion that I'm not from St. Petersburg now.

I wonder how much a signal from Chovansky costs?
I wonder how much a signal from Chovansky costs?
i wonder what a signal is ? :)
wonder what is a sign ? :)

Sign - (from English sing - sign) - an inscription or other symbol on a body, object or paper that is taken with a photo/video camera. It expresses love.

Oh, yeah!!! )))



Sign - (from English sing - sign) - an inscription or other symbol on a body, object or paper that is taken with a photo/video camera. It expresses love.

Oh, yeah!!! )))

Why siGNa instead of siGNa?

ZS is more like this answer, from English.


Then why CIGNa and not CIGNa?


Then why CIGNa and not CIGNa?


Because I copied it and didn't look closely. The description fits. ))