Interesting and Humour - page 1720


It's from that time:

I remember glass flasks with a tap for juice. I once came to Odessa on a business trip (in Soviet times) and asked a passerby "Will this bus take me to the port? He replied "This bus will take you anywhere". I got on, the bus drove slowly, they dropped me off somewhere outside the city after about two hours... then somehow I got to the port (the other way) - and I saw these taps ... bought what I thought was juice - it turned out to be wine. Since then I don't trust anyone :)

I want a hundred years of okroshka with that old kvass. I've tried everything. No fucking way. // all the recipes have been tried too.
Boring ... I don't trade on Friday, and the nearest news will be at 13:30 MK server time, but for USDCAD (which I also don't trade).

The MKs are already looking the other way. All they think about is business and no social responsibility, as the great Putin bequeathed.

Tatarstan will ban dogs and cats in homes WITHOUT neighbours' consent. Holy shit

I think that you, as a responsible fellow citizen, should declare an open-ended hunger strike in protest on behalf of the MC.

I've wanted a hundred years' worth of okroshka with that old kvass. Tried everything. No fucking way. // All the recipes have been tried too.

Make it yourself.


Tatarstan will ban keeping dogs and cats at home WITHOUT the consent of their neighbours. Ahrinet

Probably not at home, but in a flat.

And a hotel for cats has opened in Kaliningrad
I've wanted a hundred years' worth of ocroshka with that old kvass. Tried everything. No fucking way. // All the recipes have been tried too.

the best okroshka is not with kvass. but with skimmed kefir (instead of kvass. all the rest is the same). don't forget to add sour cream to taste.

bon appétit.

// taste with your mouth, not your brain. templates-....


the best okroshka is not with kvass at all. but with skimmed kefir (instead of kvass. everything else is the same). don't forget to add sour cream to taste.

Bon appetit.

// taste with your mouth, not your brain. templates-....

I disagree :)

The best okroshka is with delicious white kvass!


Cook it yourself.

Read to the end of the sentence, it says it all.

I disagree :)

The most delicious okroshka with delicious white kvass!

no way, i don't believe it.

I can believe that some people like it better with fat kefir or ryazhenka (I've met them), but kvass doesn't hold up to competition.

You have to try it to understand it.


the best okroshka is not with kvass at all. but with skimmed kefir (instead of kvass. everything else is the same). don't forget to add sour cream to taste.

Bon appetit.

// taste with your mouth, not your brain. templates-....

maybe, maybe with koumiss or something else, but I WANT OLD KVAS