Interesting and Humour - page 3139

Pavel Gotkevitch:

Israeli company SuperMeat has made it possible for people to enjoy eating meat without feeling guilty.
SuperMeat grows a whole chicken breast without harming the live chicken.
SuperMeat's technological solution is to grow organic meat from the cells of live birds.
The end result is a product that is completely identical in taste and texture to a conventional product.

Yeah... nowadays, the chickens in the shops themselves are far from being identical to natural chickens.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Yeah... nowadays, store-bought chickens themselves are far from identical to the natural ones.
They're clones, clones. In the movie The Sixth Day, the clones were distinguished by the presence of a bump on the inside of the eyelid, and the chickens were distinguished by the presence of a bump on the skin
Alexey Busygin:
This means that chickens will soon be like dinosaurs.
I read somewhere that chickens (feathered ones) are the descendants of dinosaurs.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
I read somewhere that chickens (feathered birds) are the descendants of dinosaurs.
I saw a report, one chicken had one gene changed and the rooster grew teeth. Pretty cool rooster.
Alexey Busygin:
I saw a report on a chick who had one gene changed and it grew teeth. Pretty cool rooster it turned out to be.
I wish there was a link.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
I wish there was a link.
That report was back in 2007 or so. Of course any links would have been out of order a long time ago
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
I read somewhere that chickens (feathered ones) are the descendants of dinosaurs.

A long time ago, before there was beer, the internet and condoms, chickens (feathered) were huge - about five times bigger than pterodactyls.
They had big sharp teeth, a long tail with spikes and arrow-shaped wings with variable geometry for afterburner mode.
They flew at supersonic speeds, and when they flew at ground speed, they made a dreadful noise that scared the living things, dinosaurs, ichthyosaurs, brontosaurs and all the other big beasts into extinction.
And when all the beasts became extinct and were eaten, these creepy and unscrupulous feathered creatures began to eat each other: first the smaller ones, then the females, and eventually they became extinct themselves.
So that's not a happy story... But it's true - I was told about it by older boys in the yard.

And nowadays chickens (feathered chickens) simply evolved from an ordinary egg.
But where the egg came from - this is a mystery. Even the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences do not know the answer.

Pavel Gotkevitch:

A long time ago, before there was beer, the internet and condoms, chickens (feathered) were huge - five times bigger than pterodactyls.
They had large, sharp teeth, a long tail with spines and arrow-shaped wings with variable geometry.
They flew at supersonic speeds, and when they flew at ground speed, they made a dreadful noise that scared the living things, dinosaurs, ichthyosaurs, brontosaurs and all the other fauna out of existence.
And when all the beasts became extinct and were eaten, these creepy and unscrupulous feathered creatures began to eat each other: first the smaller ones, then the females, and eventually they became extinct themselves.
Such a sad tale...

And the present chickens (feathered ones) simply evolved from the common egg.
But where from egg appeared - this is a mystery. And even the RAS and RANS do not know the answer.

This is the tale of" Carcharodon megalodon" only they seemed to be viviparous and not egg-bearing.
Alexey Busygin:
It's the tale of Carcharodonmegalodon only they seemed to be viviparous, not egg-laying.
is megalodon from the Transformers movie, by any chance?
Alexandr Saprykin:
is that a megalodon from the Transformers movie, by any chance?
It's a prehistoric shark with Duncan McLeod principles from x.o.b. Highlander