Interesting and Humour - page 4572

Ольга Кириенко:
You mean his famous "Os taka dipshit, malyata"?

It is. :) I just didn't want to sound off :))))))))

Vitaly Murlenko:

... Do you know why Grandpa Panas was fired? In the Ukraine in Soviet times there was a children's programme "Na dobranich diti" before bedtime. There grandpa Panas would say something, then a cartoon and go to sleep. He was fired because he cursed on air.

it's a myth -- the Mandela Effect -- a persistent collective memory of events that didn't happen

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

it's a myth - there's the Mandela effect - a persistent collective memory of events that didn't happen

Still, the subconscious mind on autopilot throws out repetitive actions. It's been tested. Maybe I gave a bad example, but the principle works.


In one of the articles about the Mandella effect:

Всем нам известна легендарная песня группы Queen, а многие помнят её наизусть. Но существует интересная деталь: практически все люди уверены, что финальная строчка звучит так: «No time for losers, ’cause we are the champions… of the world!» Но никакого «of the world!» там нет! Этот факт заставляет сходить с ума даже фанатов группы, которые с пеной у рта доказывают, что окончание шедевра именно такое.

Now watch the video of this song (last line at 2:50). And what do we see? And we see and hear "of the world!".

Everything else is the same.

And the cherry on the cake: this "effect" has become known only in the last 10 years.

Nelson Mandella was a very influential man, and in order to keep him from influencing the younger generation of prisoners, he was transferred to another prison in the early 80s... and it's no surprise that a rumour was put out about his death.

The discoverer of the 'effect' is one Fiona Broom - not a Russian name, but there is a Russian-only article on wikipedia.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The discoverer of the 'effect' is one Fiona Broom - a non-Russian name, but there is an article in Russian only on wikipedia.

There is also one in English, as a special case of paramnesia.

False memory - Wikipedia
A false memory is a psychological phenomenon where a person recalls something that did not happen or that something happened differently from the way it actually happened. Suggestibility, activation of associated information, the incorporation of misinformation and source misattribution have been suggested to be several mechanisms underlying a...
Aleksey Nikolayev:

There are also in English, as a special case of paramnesia.

It also turns out she has a website and has two fat steaks on the subject and about the X-Files series)) and a message that she is writing a book, has been writing for a year and a half now.

And "Goal, f... bar" is also a myth
Ольга Кириенко:
And "Goal, f... bar" is also a myth.

NO!!! Not a myth. I was still young at the time, I didn't listen to the reports myself, but there was talk in every beer hall. And because the tables were in the open air, everyone could hear everything.





What's "nitty-gritty"?