Interesting and Humour - page 2480

Oh, great! How does it feel subjectively, is it faster than the 8?
The weather has definitely started up faster.
The weather has definitely started up faster.
It's a pity there's no Russian version. I'll wait for the public beta.
The weather has definitely started to run faster.
Can I have a rainstorm? Faster now...
Can I make it rain? Hurry up...
Nah, it's cloudy or faintly cloudy. And such requests are for the Chancellery of Heaven, and we can conjure up some berries or mushrooms there.
Can I make it rain? Hurry up...

This is where you can try

Nope, it's cloudy or faintly cloudy. And such requests are for the Chancellery of Heaven, and we can conjure up some wild berries or mushrooms there.
Oh, can I have some mushrooms so I can see a few ticks ahead?
Oh, can I have some of those mushrooms so I can see a few ticks ahead?

You can, but be careful!

Галлюциногенные грибы — Википедия
Галлюциногенные грибы — Википедия
Галлюциноге́нные грибы́ (психогенные, «магические», «волшебные» грибы) — общепринятое название видов грибов, плодовые тела которых содержат галлюциногенные (психоделические) вещества. Употребление таких грибов оказывает влияние на сознание и вызывает переживания, называемые психоделическим опытом, или трипом. С древности галлюциногенные грибы...


If the glass was filled and then half-drunk, it is half-empty.

If the glass was empty and then half-filled, it is half-full.



If the glass was filled and then half-drunk, it is half-empty.

If the glass was empty and then half-filled, it is half-full.

What comes first? The chicken or the egg. I know the answer to the chicken and the egg.