Interesting and Humour - page 1731


Medvedev: Russian Post needs a major reorganisation

They're going to reorganise the post office again). Everything will end up again with a huge sum of money which will go into the pockets of certain people). Everything is as usual in general terms.


Medvedev: Russian Post needs a major reorganisation

They're going to reorganise the post office again). Once again, it will end up in the allocation of a large sum of money, which will go into the pockets of certain people). Everything is as usual in general terms.

Vertical. Pocket management.


It's all there at once. Past, present and future.



And the task was simple. The hedgehog had to curl up into a ball, the turtle's head had to retract, and the chameleon changed colour. Three simple frames. A little scare of the beastie and you're done, thank you. No supernatural tasks were set.

We took proven animals from our animal trainers. After two weeks of searching it turned out that chameleons, which are used in films, don't change their colours at all. They change when they're scared. And it turns out that after filming, chameleons are no longer afraid of anything. Turtles don't retract their heads, hedgehogs don't curl up. A movie hedgehog would rather stand on a bridge than curl up. He's not afraid of anything! And the director wanted a tight ball in the frame. Only young hedgehogs are good for "clew" pose because they are more plastic. They were standing like idiots in the pavilion. People have already filmed "Avatar" for a long time but we have hedgehogs that won't budge. It's unclear what to do. The situation is called "sunset by hand". We think, "We've got to show them something really scary." The main customer says, "OK. I'll go." Well, we filmed it afterwards, of course.

More hedgehogs

On the phone, the director said:
"The project is very demanding, we're preparing to shoot a commercial. The plot involves a child hedgehog running to his mother and father. The parents are also hedgehogs. The daddy hedgehog is 40 years old and of dense build - that's what it says. And so. The child brings them a mushroom. It says: "Baby hedgehog comes running into the house where the parents are quietly doing the apples." Well, you see? THE PARENTS ARE BUSY MAKING APPLES. Caught mum and dad by fucking surprise.
And then you know what happened? Then they write me a letter: "At the end of our story, a family of hedgehogs comes to visit other hedgehogs they know. So we see our hedgehogs in everyday life and visiting hedgehog friends. The question is: We have to think of what differences the characters might have in the costumes of ordinary and guest hedgehogs?" I try to be polite and tell them, "How about giving the hedgehogs a cake? Like a guest with a cake, it would distinguish the characters from the ordinary, visually giving them a guest character. I'm told: "No. The client wants the difference to be in the hedgehog costumes. You are the director and you have to give the client an idea of what hedgehogs can wear when they visit". And I have two degrees. I was terribly drunk that night, just terribly..."

Alesya (c)


Some girls have cockroaches in their heads, and some have even more than cockroaches, as a professional photographer, an Estonian woman who won a special prize at this year's international photography competition, confirms.

I mean, even females confirm it internationally :


Traders Joking

newdigital, 2013.11.16 15:41

"After years of training to become a professional ballet dancer, I realized it wasn't the path for me and instead channeled passion for dance into photography and image manipulation.

Kylli Sparre, photographer, the winner of special prize on Grand Prix de la Découverte, 2013

Name of this photo - Modern mind :


Country duty. November 2013

...accumulate, for fuck's sake ...)