Interesting and Humour - page 3378

Vladimir Tkach:
Well then it's not the recoil, it's the reactive torque from the rotation of the barrels.
Then Arnie would not be pushing the torque back, but rotating it like a propeller along the axis of the machine gun's barrels. So it's an interesting picture to the imagination of Arnie spinning on a stationary machine gun...
Китаянка продала 20 подаренных ей iPhone 7 и купила дом
Китаянка продала 20 подаренных ей iPhone 7 и купила дом
  • 2016.10.31
  • Rodrigo Reyes Marin / AFLO /
Жительница города Шэньчжэнь (Китай), которой подарили 20 смартфонов iPhone 7, продала их и на вырученные деньги приобрела дом. Об этом написала в интернете подруга девушки, сообщает «Би-би-си». Китаянка, имя которой не называется, похвасталась перед друзьями покупкой недвижимости, ради которой она попросила каждого из своих ухажеров подарить ей...
Alexandr Saprykin:

A resident of Shenzhen, China, who was given 20 iPhone 7 smartphones, sold them and used the proceeds to buy a house. A friend of the girl wrote about it online, the BBC reported. The unnamed Chinese woman boasted to her friends about her property purchase, for which she had asked each of her suitors to give her...

I wonder who gave it to her and on what holiday. Maybe the director of their factory was very fond of her. They give them all an ifonami7 bonus at the factory.
I wonder who gave it to her and on what holiday. Maybe the director of the factory was very fond of her. They give them all bonuses at the plant with IFON7s.
The girl had 20 suitors. Each of them gave her an iPhone. So the plant manager had nothing to do with it.
Dude's a cool dog - he knows how to use an iPhone. But why does he need eight grand?! Looks like he's going to need a secretary now.
Alexandr Saprykin:
A girl had 20 suitors. Each of them gave her an iPhone. So the factory manager had nothing to do with it.

Here's the funny thing... If a girl got all her boyfriends together and said: "Guys, give me some money for the house, please." Would that kind of honesty work?

Now she'll probably expand her horizons - 1K suitors, 100K suitors... China will rise to a new level, poverty will disappear, she'll feed everyone.

Andrey Dik:

Here's the funny thing... If a girl got all her boyfriends together and said: "Guys, give me some money for the house, please." Would that kind of honesty work?

Now she'll probably expand her horizons - 1K suitors, 100K suitors... China will rise to a new level, poverty will disappear, she'll feed everyone.

yes yes!

And the sad one will have fun,
Diamonds, gold, furs will fall in price overnight,
And vodka will turn into whiskey,

Poverty will disappear, everyone will be fed


hehehe funny but this scheme works

not necessarily the house all at once but gifts from multiple sources are accepted not only in china

that's multiparallelism

Dude's a cool dog - he knows how to use an iPhone. But why does he need eight grand?! Looks like he's gonna need a secretary now.
Eight SIM cards of different carriers. It's cheaper to make calls that way.)
Andrey Dik:

Here's the funny thing... If a girl got all her boyfriends together and said: "Guys, give me some money for the house, please." Would that kind of honesty work?

Now she'll probably expand her horizons - 1K suitors, 100K suitors... China will rise to a new level, poverty will disappear, she'll feed everyone.

Now the suitors must be resenting her. Other sources say the suitors didn't know about each other, and now it's all over the world. Girlfriend burned down the office. Jealousy must have gotten to her.