Interesting and Humour - page 3389

Andrey Dik:

And Russia, despite its "shattered economy" (c) Obama, is quietly building ...... and launching the latest destroyers and nuclear submarines every month, the latest 5th generation aircraft with no equivalent in the world, ....

Can you elaborate on that?

Because I've searched and this is all I could find on the internet:

About weapons for Ukraine and Syria I will not comment.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yeah, Depardieu's an asshole. He sold the property he was given as a gift... Why didn't he give it back to Russia?

Let's see how Seagal behaves. I hope this one turns out to be a real man.

Generally it is interesting how any topic about the RF excites the local public. What about the figures? Russia's population has fallen by about 1% since the collapse of the USSR. Against a background of negative natural increase, this slight decrease was mainly due to immigration. So what, that doesn't prove attractive to immigrants? In comparison, the population of Ukraine decreased by 17% after the collapse of the USSR, Latvia decreased by 25%, Estonia by 16%, and Georgia by 31%.

I come into the thread on Saturday and...

Where's the latest gags? Where's the robot news? Where are the delightful pictures?

how many times can we talk about migration?

people strive to move from the worst places to the best ones according to their level of capabilities

that explains the migration to and from russia

as well as any other country

There is nothing else in it.


I come into the thread on Saturday and...

Where's the latest gags? Where's the robot news? Where are the delightful pictures?

how many times can we talk about migration?

people strive to move from the worst places to the best ones according to their level of capabilities

that explains the migration to and from russia

as well as any other country

There is nothing else in it.


Европарламент предложил признать роботов «электронными личностями»
Европарламент предложил признать роботов «электронными личностями»
  • 2016.06.22
Европарламент подготовил проект резолюции, согласно которому роботов предлагается признать «электронными личностями», сообщает Reuters. Документ, разработанный парламентским комитетом по правовым вопросам, призывает Еврокомиссию принять решение о том, «чтобы по меньшей мере наиболее сложные и самостоятельные роботы могли обрести статус...
N+1: научные статьи, новости, открытия
Чуть больше, чем наука
Andrey Dik:

Yeah, Depardieu's a bitch. He sold the property donated to him... Why didn't he give it back to Russia?

It's very Russian to chide a man for what he does with gifts. It's strictly his. Personal. A case.


About the migration. We're doing better than you. Positive balance, that sort of thing.

But for some reason I know about ten people who left for a better life. Poland, Germany, Sweden, America, Australia, Czech Republic. Not a single one to Russia, although there is one close by. I know Russians who moved to Belarus.

All with degrees, all top-notch in their fields.

You don't see a picture behind your figures, you don't want to see, you are looking for confirmation of your opinion in figures, instead of trying to analyse the real situation.

Generally it is interesting how any topic about the RF excites the local public. What about the figures? Russia's population has fallen by about 1% since the collapse of the USSR. Against a background of negative natural increase, this slight decrease was mainly due to immigration. So what, this doesn't prove attractive to immigrants? By comparison, Ukraine's population decreased by 17% after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Latvia's population decreased by 25%, Estonia's by 16% and Georgia's by 31%.
Apart from attractiveness there is also necessity and hopelessness.