Interesting and Humour - page 895


Salary - two passers-by per month

Quarterly bonus - one subordinate who is under-performing

That's a great comment! That's something to remember.)))


... With an app called Bang with Friends, users can openly confess which of their "friends" they would like to sleep with.

... For example, Bang With Professionals, developed for the business network LinkedIn, is known to exist.

How diplomatically translated! The Yandex dictionary doesn't offer that option. They cut through the truth.

Not Avatar, but ... you can watch it on a weekend


Good morning


Is there anyone here of the female persuasion?

Add me as a friend on Facebook, please.

I'm really curious about it, but I can't click on Restam's friend.

I did. And Restam's too. What's the difference, man or woman? As long as it's a good person :)
90% I just wonder what they feed on:?
Clearly not money.
Added. And Restam, too. Who cares if it's a man or a woman? As long as it's a good man :)
Thank you. But I meant working with the appendix above. But it's been dealt with. It's boring stuff to talk about.
Thank you. But I was referring to the appendix above. But that's been dealt with as well. It's boring stuff to talk about.
I've downloaded the SDK for it and am scratching my head :)


sad associations with the whole country