Interesting and Humour - page 281


In Egypt, members of Egypt's Islamist parliamentary majority have introduced a bill to legally enshrine "cadaver sex". MPs are proposing to allow men to have sex with their dead wives within six hours of their deaths, The Daily Caller claims.

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P.S. The logic is interesting: the bill was introduced after a fatwa by a certain Moroccan imam to allow a woman to have sexual pleasure after her husband's death. It means that men, too, are entitled to it, though not only with living women but also with cadavers (ex-wives only, it's tough on them). And there is no discrimination: a woman cannot physically have sex with her dead husband.


Does the bill clearly define what is meant by "sex"?

It's a bit of a half-measure, really. It should be legally allowed to have intercourse not only with dead ex-wives but also with any dead ex-wives and never-before-dead organisms of organic, mineral and other alternative non-protein life forms, regardless of sex (otherwise there could be disgruntled and disadvantaged non-traditional persons). Special treatment and honour, however, should be accorded to former household items - sofas, chairs, fridges - on a par with ex-wives and husbands.

In any case, this bill will not harm the living. Otherwise (if there is moral harm to the living) consider monetary or other compensation to the injured under the law of moral and physical harm to the plaintiff.

It's like that, in short.


Does the bill clearly define what is meant by "sex"?

It's a bit of a half-measure, really. It should be legally allowed to have intercourse not only with dead ex-wives but also with any dead ex-wives and never-before-dead organisms of organic, mineral and other alternative non-protein life forms, regardless of sex (otherwise there could be disgruntled and disadvantaged non-traditional persons). Special treatment and honour, however, should be accorded to former household items - sofas, chairs, fridges - on a par with ex-wives and husbands.

In any case, this bill will not harm the living. Otherwise (if there is moral harm to the living) consider monetary or other compensation to the injured under the law of moral and physical harm to the plaintiff.

It's like that, in short.

Ow ow ow ow, you're just jealous.
joo, have you been to court recently? XD

it is physically impossible for a woman to have sex with her dead husband.

Come on, some chicks are so hot, they'll be up in six hours, not just a year... ...e-equity.
joo, have you been to court recently? XD
Yeah, the old couch sued him, not a good article.
joo, have you been to court recently? XD
Nope. Logically, I'm trying to assess the new bill in particular and its impact on the evolution of mankind in general.
joo: The bill clearly stipulates what is meant by "sex"?

Can you imagine that such a bill could be introduced in any form in the Russian Duma?

(Otherwise there might be disgruntled and disadvantaged non-traditional people)

There should be no homosexuals in Egypt. Well, of course there are, but they are unlikely to have or will have rights any time soon, judging by the situation in Egypt after the Arab Spring. And here it's OK - heterosexual sex. True, the wife is dead, but that's such a small thing if you want to find an excuse for your impulses.

No, for God's sake, they're fucking nuts there, that's for sure... Why, why isn't the same right to love the dead husband's body one last time offered to the inconsolable widow? This is discrimination!


No, by golly, they're some kind of fucked up people, that's for sure...

it's hot.