Interesting and Humour - page 3096

Пряники с фразой Медведева "Денег нет" раскупают и дарят друзьям в Бурятии
Пряники с фразой Медведева "Денег нет" раскупают и дарят друзьям в Бурятии
  • Дмитрий Кривобок
Предприниматель из Улан-Удэ выложил на прилавки сувенирные пряники ручной работы с крылатой фразой и лицом премьер-министра России.В столице Бурятии наладили производство кондитерских изделий, украшенных портретом Дмитрия Медведева и его культовой цитатой: «Денег нет, но вы держитесь», опрометчиво сказанной когда-то жителям Крыма.Предприимчивый...
Aleksey Levashov:
And more about delicious and healthy eating:

- Honey, what's for dinner?
- No shit!
- Just like yesterday?
- Yeah, I made two days' worth of dinner.
- Good thing it's not for a week...
Aleksey Levashov:
And in Moscow you can eat even more varied... and for free.

In my neighbourhood they don't throw anything away, there aren't even any rubbish dumps near the supermarket. But there are always discounted goods on sale which are close to their expiry date.
Igor Konyashin:
The pessimist is a maker, a creator, and the optimist is a trafficker?

Customer generosity psto.

Сделать аналог приложения Prisma на Android. - по договоренности
Сделать аналог приложения Prisma на Android. - по договоренности
Работа на дому: Сделать аналог приложения Prisma на Android. - нужен разработчик, ищу разработчика, резюме разработчика
Igor Konyashin:

Generosity customers fast.

it's an eternal theme...

Also encountered requests such content:

I need to make a site that I will bring income to 20 rubles per month, I will pay only with the prepayment is not expected to 25%, the subject has not yet selected I think the programmer himself suggests it is swimming in this area

Sokolov Song - For Women

Alexey Volchanskiy:
There's definitely no trash in my area, there aren't even any garbage cans near the supermarkets. But there are discounted goods on sale all the time with a shelf life close to expiry date.

Google was on the spot)))) While reading an article about freegans (there was a link to it here the other day) Google immediately started throwing banners about munchies at me )))
