Interesting and Humour - page 1675

MPs propose to print the anthem in passports of Russians

A State Duma deputy from the LDPR Mikhail Degtyarev (former candidate for mayor of Moscow) has sent Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev a letter proposing to change the design of domestic and foreign passports by placing on their pages the anthem and information demonstrating the succession of four states of Kievan Rus, Russian Empire, USSR and modern Russia for patriotic education of Russians.

In particular, it is proposed to place the text of the Russian national anthem, graphic images of events from the history of Russia, the Russian Empire, the USSR and modern Russia or cities on each spread, such as Kiev, Moscow, Minsk, Vilnius and others, as well as statements and images of famous citizens about Russia and our people, including those in the Latin alphabet, in the new passports. It is also proposed to draw the contours of Kievan Rus, the Russian Empire within the borders of 1913, the USSR within the borders of 1963, Russia within the borders of 2013.

What are they smoking? Of course, I understand that the deputy has to create an appearance of boisterous activity. Like working off the people's money. Why do you need to make a madhouse of it?)

MPs propose to print the anthem in passports of Russians

A State Duma deputy from the LDPR Mikhail Degtyarev (former candidate for mayor of Moscow) sent a letter to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev suggesting changing the design of domestic and foreign passports by placing on their pages the anthem and information demonstrating the continuity of the four states of Kievan Rus, Russian Empire, USSR and modern Russia for patriotic education of Russians.

In particular, it is proposed to place the text of the Russian national anthem, graphic images of events from the history of Russia, the Russian Empire, the USSR and modern Russia or cities on each spread, such as Kiev, Moscow, Minsk, Vilnius and others, as well as statements and images of famous citizens about Russia and our people, including those in the Latin alphabet, in the new passports. It is also proposed to draw the contours of Kievan Rus, the Russian Empire within the borders of 1913, the USSR within the borders of 1963, Russia within the borders of 2013.

What are they smoking? Of course, I understand that the deputy has to create an appearance of boisterous activity. Like working off the people's money. Why do you need to make a madhouse of it?)

It is good that we did not suggest that the anthem should be played at the opening of the passport like in a musical card. Why...
MPs propose to print the anthem in passports of Russians

What are they smoking? Of course, I understand that an MP has to create an appearance of frenetic activity. Like working off the people's money. Why do you need to make a madhouse of it?)

The budget is fucked. And if everyone is forced to change their passports, along with their passports, it's a dime a dozen.

Think big :-)

Good thing they didn't suggest that the anthem should be played at the opening of the passport like a music card. Why...
Yeah, at airports, that would add to the fun).
Good thing they did not suggest playing the anthem when opening a passport as a music card. What about...

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Interesting & Humorous

Silent, 2013.10.31 10:59

The budget is fucked. And if we force everyone to change their passports, along with their foreign passports, it will be a penny.

Think big :-)

Order it from the Chinese to save money...
Wow! What a pun! I wonder who's been dabbling in the octal number system?
Yeah, I liked it too :)