Interesting and Humour - page 153


Bulldog owners not to watch. Owners of other breeds too, and cat owners and aquarists and so on


He's breathing.

He's really breathing.


Who wronged this winter?
Not a memory to recall:
Leningrad is like the Crimea,
Crimea is like a draught.

Forever lost faith.
Old Grandfather Frost
Unpleasant as cholera,
And powerless as the prognosis.

And winter is still weeping, weeping
The snowbird's feathers are wet.
- Outside the window, the water's running! -
As my son Sergei said.

January 71

Alexander Zhitinsky



Who hurt this winter?
I can't recall forever:
Leningrad is like the Crimea,
Crimea is like a draught.

Faith lost forever.
Old Grandfather Frost
Unpleasant as cholera,
And powerless as the prognosis.

And winter is still weeping, weeping
The snowbird's feathers are wet.
- Outside the window, the water's running! -
As my son Sergei said.

January 71

Alexander Zhitinsky


Alexander Zhitinsky, author of The Journey of a Rock Dilettante, has died


I see the thread has been cleaned up... It seems there was something unusual :) I'm against all the points.


I see the thread has been cleaned up... It seems there was something unusual :) I'm against all the points.

It was almost 200 pages long by this morning.)