Interesting and Humour - page 3785

Alexander Ivanov:

Is this .... in this thread doesn't count as politics? Or is it a curiosity of the moderators?

The question is probably rhetorical, though...
Aleksey Levashov:
And this .... in this thread doesn't count as politics? Or is it a curiosity of the moderators?

However, the question is probably rhetorical...

There must be democracy! ))

Aleksey Levashov:
Is this .... in this thread doesn't count as politics? Or is it a curiosity of the moderators?

I guess the question is rhetorical, though...
It does.
Alexander Ivanov:

There must be democracy! ))

Democracy, but not spiteful and deceitful libels both one way and the other.
Alexander Ivanov:
That's right. Let's relax...

Trump and Putin meet.
Trump thanked Putin for electing him president of the US...


Legends of the Soviet Detective Service.


Andrew Petras:
And here's more about women... informative and humorous.