Interesting and Humour - page 2756

Yeah, no problem. But it's a bit slow...
Well, it'll have to wait, then.
Karputov Vladimir:
Well, we have to wait, then.
We wait, we hope, we believe!
Мощность сильнейшего за Уралом суперкомпьютера увеличат в полтора раза
Мощность сильнейшего за Уралом суперкомпьютера увеличат в полтора раза
ТОМСК, 24 сентября. /ТАСС/. Томский госуниверситет (ТГУ) нарастит в полтора раза мощность суперкомпьютера "СКИФ Cyberia", что даст дополнительные возможности для научных исследований, сообщили сегодня в пресс-службе вуза. "Мощность "СКИФ Cyberia" увеличится в полтора раза - с 63,7 до 100 терафлопс, после чего суперкомпьютер сможет выполнять 100...
Server Muradasilov:

The power of the strongest supercomputer outside the Urals will be increased by one and a half times

Eh, I wish I could get some honey and run the MetaTester Agents on such a computer....
Server Muradasilov:

''Among the tasks that are being solved by a supercomputer are designing rocket and space technology and safe mining equipment, creating new types of rocket fuel and superhard coatings using nanotechnology, integrated environmental monitoring of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, controlling the spread of fires and epidemics, and restoring contaminated soils.''

I wonder how a supercomputer will help the remediation of contaminated soils?

Yuri Evseenkov:

''Among the tasks that are being solved by a supercomputer are designing rocket and space technology and safe mining equipment, creating new types of rocket fuel and superhard coatings using nanotechnology, integrated environmental monitoring of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, controlling the spread of fires and epidemics, and restoring contaminated soils.''

I wonder how a supercomputer will help restore contaminated soils?

Like calculating the chemical formula for an absorbent that works in the soil and safely breaks down contamination.
Tomsk is a very special city. Of the 21 Russian universities included in the world ranking, two are from Tomsk.
Российские вузы в мировом рейтинге QS
Российские вузы в мировом рейтинге QS
  • 2014.09.16
Российские вузы в целом сохранили свои прошлогодние позиции в десятом Мировом рейтинге лучших университетов QS, а некоторые улучшили результаты. В топ-800 вошли три новых российских университета, и теперь там представлен 21 российский вуз. Ни один из них пока не вошел в первую сотню. Чтобы...

It's just like in life - first meticulous, then professional.

Karputov Vladimir:
For example, calculating the chemical formula for an absorbent that works in soil and safely breaks down pollution.
How much absorbent would our garage cooperative need? In the ravine where everyone pours the waste, it's time to extract oil.

Looks like they're hiding something from us ))))