Interesting and Humour - page 2228


As far as I know, Levitas "floats" on his own. He is a person who conducts seminars and trainings. In this context, the phrase: "I would not hire such a person for any responsible job" sounds very strange.



Recently, a type ofmatrix structure called the Pod structure has become increasingly popular in the US. The idea is that the company is divided into independent working groups, a kind of mini-start-ups that are controlled in a linear fashion.

The Pod structure has been used successfully by Spotify, Rent the Runway, Artsy, and incidentally The New York Times. It is similar to the standard matrix structure, but this approach divides working groups into functional product units, where each of them is essentially a mini-startup performing a particular product function.

Племя, бригада, гильдия: Как Spotify превратился из стартапа в компанию
Племя, бригада, гильдия: Как Spotify превратился из стартапа в компанию
Spotify — шведский музыкальный сервис, предлагающий легальный стриминг музыки мэйджоров и независимых лейблов, включая Sony, EMI, Warner Music Group, и Universal. Его основатель и СЕО — Даниэль Эк. Spotify был запущен в октябре 2008 года. За два года получил 15 млн постоянных пользователей, из которых 2,5 млн пользовались платными услугами...

Eyjafjallajökull is nothing, but Huaynaputina is power!

Peru, it turns out, has a volcano with a politically incorrect name - Huaynaputina. Oh, bad Peruvians, they had to name the volcano that! You can't make it up. Moreover, the eruption of Huaynaputina has already once been a turning point in the history of Russia! The Huaynaputina is one of the most powerful volcanoes in the world (admittedly small - only the crater rises above the plateau) - its 1600th eruption was one of the most violent in the world history and caused a Little Ice Age in the northern hemisphere (it had a VEI of 6, the second-to-last position on the scale), which led to an ice age in the northern hemisphere and gave way to a series of eruptions. Which led to crop failure in Russia and death of 2 million people from starvation (127,000 in Moscow alone), which led to the overthrow of Boris Godunov and the beginning of the Time of Troubles! And it took Peru 150 years to rebuild its agriculture! Now Huaynaputina is waking up again! What's that all about...?

Wouldn't it be fun to hear the TV commentators pronounce its name when it does start erupting...?


PS. The text is not mine (but a quote) - see wikipedia.

hell on earth for athletes
Самые тяжёлые соревнования в мире
Самые тяжёлые соревнования в мире
9 мая стартует знаменитая велогонка «Джиро». Сравниться с ней по сложности могут только самые экстремальные турниры на выносливость.
Vampire master.
Замок графа Дракулы в Румынии выставлен на продажу
Замок графа Дракулы в Румынии выставлен на продажу
ЛОНДОН, 12 мая. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Румынский замок Бран, который, согласно легенде, принадлежал графу Дракуле, выставлен на продажу, сообщает газета "Дейли телеграф". Поместье принадлежит потомку королевской династии Габсбургов, которому оно досталось в прошлом веке. Однако, по признанию самого хозяина, Доминика фон Габсбурга, он, будучи уже в...