Interesting and Humour - page 4349

Maxim Kuznetsov:

JADRO-DWORK, 5 units :-)

I wondered what they were doing there, but it turned out to be a physics lab "Newton's pendulum"(3:33):

Igor Makanu:

Dorky ('dorky' appears) is not an intellectual power, but the opposite - the power of dorky.

A donkey comes into a bar and asks for 50 grams of vodka. The barman tells him that he is so big that he only wants 50 grams. The hare ordered 200 grams.

And the donkey says: "I just want a drink, and I've got enough dope of my own!"

Aleksey Ivanov:

Dorky ('dorky' appears) is not an intellectual power, but the opposite - the power of dorky.

A donkey comes into a bar and asks for 50 grams of vodka. The barman tells him that he is so big that he only wants 50 grams. The hare ordered 200 grams.

And the donkey says: "I just want a drink, but I've got enough dope on my own!"

A jerk is a person who's around jerks.

Maxim Kuznetsov:
in a particularly large amount, by prior conspiracy :-)

And then to a particularly long term of a particularly strict regime)


New Year's Eve is coming up)


Good morning -

Good morning

Igor Makanu:
