Interesting and Humour - page 3863

Igor Konyashin:

And lastly, a modern day "prognosticator":

yep, and the collapse of the dollar has been predicted for 20 years now )))))

Краткая история краха доллара
Краткая история краха доллара
  • 2014.12.04

If you consider that Christianity emerged as a "slave religion", it's no surprise ))))))))

Well, you seem to have something in your head, well, read something at least! Education is higher than that of Komsomol members of the 30s, isn't it?


If we talk about the forerunners of Christians - Jews, they in fact RETURNED from slavery. And if you still understand the text, they were getting rid of slavery in their heads. It took forty years to do that, during which time there was also the story of the doughboys.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Right, astonishingly enough, the very 20% of the rich are divided into 20% very rich and 80% moderately rich, and the 80% of the poor into 20% not quite poor and 80% beggars. And this stratification can continue indefinitely by definition.

Oxfam: 62 человека владеют половиной состояния Земли
Oxfam: 62 человека владеют половиной состояния Земли
Самые богатые люди Земли, которые составляют всего 1% населения, владеют состоянием большим, чем остальные 99%, согласно данным некоммерческой организации Oxfam, которая призывает правительства стран усилить меры по сокращению неравенства.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

If the measure of man is wealth/poverty, then you are right.

And read the history of mankind, from all times. Is there a rich/poor one there? Well, Socrates, lived in a barrel. We wonder if he was rich/poor? Or Napoleon? If we take historical figures, we are not at all interested in their property status. The whole history of mankind is a history of science, culture, just interesting thought.

How could it be?

And here it's all doughboys, doughboys,... maybe people are all wretched? With a stomach instead of a brain? And there's nothing else in their stomachs?

And people who consider dough to be secondary, or maybe even harmful, are the majority on our planet. For example, Christians believe that at conception, God gives a soul to a fetus. And afterwards man has only one duty: to turn the diamond (soul) into a diamond and give that diamond back to God. This is the way all believing people are set up. Just the terminology is different. But all are one: despise wealth.


By the way, Christians have only obligations - they are not interested in rights. Moreover, rights result from the worst of mortal sins - arrogance.

Yes yes, if you read it, of course... And then when you grow up, you realise that food doesn't come from the fridge.

Contempt for wealth - well you can see how Christians despise wealth, especially according to the patriarch.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Well, you seem to have something in your head, well, read something at least! Education is higher than that of the Komsomol members of the 30s, isn't it?


If we talk about the forerunners of Christians - Jews, they in fact REMOVED from slavery. And if you still understand the text, they were getting rid of slavery in their heads. It took forty years to do that, during which time there was also the story of the doughboys.

All right, I'll just read something real quick... so... The historicity of the Exodus in general is quite questionable, the dates are not known exactly, only hypotheses... but if we assume that such events took place, it is possible that there was not one but a whole series of Exoduses, it is even more reasonable to assume... Why then the Christians who escaped from slavery call themselves God's slaves so zealously? - out of habit? - there is an opinion that this is a continuation of the fact that the word "slave" in Egypt took a slightly different meaning and "father" had the meaning "master", because slaves often lived with their masters who fed them and gave them a place to sleep and rest - that is, they were rather servants than slaves by their household status - and, some authors continue the memory of this time was transferred in the form of the address "the servant of God", i.e. God was the master of the world for ancient Jews - it is interesting version - but it is more likely another factor. The establishment and strengthening of the cult of Yahweh coincided with the formation of the absolute monarchy among Jews and therefore it was logical for it to take on royal features, The status of man was intentionally lowered to the level of a slave to emphasize the superiority of the new god. Of course, we understand that this was an invention of priests to unify the religion in order to make it serve the young Jewish kingdom rising after the disaster of the Bronze Age... It has to be mentioned that in the beginning Yahweh started his divine career as a local Hebrew Seth, god of the desert wind, as in Palestine/Chanahan this was relevant and important, and only gradually he brought not only all the elements under his rule, but the whole world, usually other peoples had thunderers in his place, but apparently thunder gods were not frequent in this region, so - wind... It is well known that the Jews were pagans, practiced ritual orgies, sacrifices (probably human ones too) and everything was like normal pagans... No wonder that Yahweh is taken from the pagan pantheon, the myths of creation and the Flood are taken from the Sumerian myths, the religion was compiled from what they could find, the parallels are so obvious that it is not even necessary to argue and discuss here, I can add that in Sumerian mythology the goal of creation of humans was very simple and pragmatic: the gods needed slaves to relieve them of work, i.e. to get people to do the work (before that Enki did all the work himself), it is not hard to see this by opening Enuma Elish, a well known clay tablet depicting Enki creating man to use as an assistant-slave....and now it is not difficult to imagine why this idea was grasped by the Jewish priests, when they formed the conceptual basis of religion - just to make it easier to control people... At this, the new priests and prophets were extremely intolerant of alternative points of view; in particular, well known prophet Elijah noted that with his direct assistance and participation 450 priests of Baal (or whatever number they were) were executed, and he received glory and honour for it... Here, of course, the story of Novgorod Execution of Magi and Lithuanian Blood Baptism come to mind, because Christianity too was fiercely intolerant to paganism and other forms of interpretation of its teachings (Bartholomew night), while Christ himself has attributes allowing to associate him with Osiris, who was also killed but revived, and some other attributes, let's not dwell on them, Yahweh too has attributes of the dying and resurrected god, according to some opinions, and Psalm 67 for example is copied from Baal's hymn, no wonder, they took what they had and adapted it as they could, later some gods like Bacchus-Dionysus became horned devil, he fit the image... in short, everywhere you dig into the history of Judaism/Christianity - everywhere you come across harsh pagan roots, Muslimity by the way may even be to a greater extent, the most interesting thing of course lies in the Christian communion ceremony - it comes from the cannibal cults of antiquity - and if someone tells me that I write nonsense, I just refer to such authorities as Karl Focht as well asTaylor, Levy-Bruhl, Charles Letourneau -it is known that for many hundreds of thousands of years man and his predecessors practised cannibalism, including ritual cannibalism. Calculations show that man is much less caloric than animals, therefore such practices could not have been based solely on food considerationsIn Semites, on important occasions, a royal son was sacrificed for the good of the nation; the custom of first-born sacrifices existed among many nations; in the mysteries of Mithras a boy was sacrificed and his body later eaten by all those present; the Aztecs of Mexico also had a religious custom of eating a god, who was honoured for a year in the form of a handsome young man.... later the custom of eating a god was replaced by eating an animal or bread to which a humanoid form was attached (as nowadays still in some places in Europe, after the harvest, from the first threshed bread); in many primitive tribes cannibalism had something religious and mysterious in it, and was performed at night, with priests or shamans and so on... it would also be interesting to investigate the origin of Easter symbols, but i am afraid i will be instantly banned for insulting the feelings of believers, because the references go directly to the ancient phallic cults... Next, a little bit about Islam: Muslims usually boast that "Islam is the purest monotheistic religion", while forgetting that so many of their rituals, including Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca, where they circumvent the black stone 7 times), are of pagan origin,The claim of Muslims that these rituals were introduced by Adam, Noah and Abraham is a myth not supported by history, Hajj is recorded in history as an exclusively Arab pagan tradition, the pagan tradition of passage (Tawaf) between Safa hill and Marwa was fully incorporated into Islam, besides there are some piquant details which I will not venture to voice here either, just a hint on the space vagina and Al-Lat.. there are also many other interesting inclusions and borrowings, e.g. in orthodoxy, when pagan gods were associated with orthodox saints, not a very convenient topic for Christians, so I will not open much for the same reason, so as not to fall under the wrath of believers, but I cannot refrain from mentioning at least Saint Christopher, very colorful saint, unique in its kind... So, getting back to the topic of slaves - it is not difficult to see that the form of address "slave of God" is so archaic and does not correspond to any contemporary realities (one needs to be a historian to understand where and why), that one can say with confidence that if Christianity is going to claim some popularity, the hierarchs should work hard on the form and content too, The way it is presented now is not good at all, I am sure that most of those who follow Christian rites do not understand (and do not want to understand) what exactly they do and what this meant in antiquity, though believers are usually believers because they do not want to dig up the sources... now, although we understand that the wording "slave of god" gives symbolic power over the masses and allows manipulating in the interests of the state (while monoreligions have no other special objectives), but "slaves" have already evolved from the pick and shovel and do not believe in it themselves, it is more like a fashion for faith, a game and a farce ... where symbols and words have long ago been turned into conventions without much meaning...


It was invented, but no matter how it turns out, those at the top are the ones who turn out, and they do not tolerate any other concept. Humanity is still green in this respect, everything comes with experience.

That the 20 always stand out from the 80 or so, that has always been the case. The question is what common goals these 20 and 80 have. The bigger the gap, the sadder. The question is when both will work together to close the gap. So far, some don't think about the gap at all, and others don't need to think about it.

It's called Paretto's rule. Although it sounds like this - 20% of effort yields 80% of the result - it also applies to the poor/rich ratio.
transcendreamer 2017.07.28 22:38 2017.07.28 21:38:49   EN
Artyom Trishkin:
Достаток - это когда доход быстрее жены :)

разве так бывает? лол

Wealth is when you go to a restaurant in the evening and put your passport in your jacket pocket just in case ))


It was cold, we wanted heat. Now it's hot, we want winter:

Now I'm looking forward to winter


All the major religions of the world are the teachings of morality and ethics.

What do you mean?

Do you want to see what you see? I don't care what you see. I thought you'd be interested in my new thoughts. I was wrong.

Good luck in your fight against the opium of the people.


So? I can't understand the logic - the US bans something in other countries on the basis that Florida has such a law, banning all unmarried women from skydiving on Sunday?

Every state in the US has its own unique laws. Those unique laws only apply in those states. Any resident of a state who is dissatisfied with the law has the right to initiate a process to repeal or change the law.

Don't like the laws of the USA? Don't live in the USA.

Don't want to sit in a US prison? Don't commit a crime on US soil or crimes against the US.

Bout was the first to be prosecuted by Belgium for diamond smuggling and money laundering - he could have turned himself in to Belgium

Tell yourself that every time you do not like something in Russia.