Interesting and Humour - page 1391


Not photoshopped, the work of the same craftsman as a few pages ago.


An undocumented feature of Google Glass

I've seen a lot of this stuff. If only you had shown me lard, kovbasu and dumplings with sour cream ©

Anyway, the glasses went well )
Where's the ammo magazine? And why is there a silencer on the gun?
Where is the magazine with the ammunition? And why is there a silencer on a submachine gun?
Depends on where I'm stationed, they only rarely don't don't have a magazine unless I'm on holiday, but every Friday I go home for the weekend in full rifle gear, the girls come swimming in groups of at least five, usually in groups, two by the gun, it's not unusual in Israel :) the beach every morning from 4 to 7 a.m. , a special tractor with armor goes over the sand to a depth of 40 cm - to check for rocks
Where is the magazine with the ammunition? And why is there a silencer on the gun?

What I bought it for, I sold it for. It's explained here:


Kapitsa (Sergei) on demography

Великий Леонард Эйлер, работавший в самых разных областях физики и математики, еще в XVIII веке написал главные уравнения демографии, которыми пользуются до сих пор. А среди широкой публики наиболее известно имя другого основоположника демографии Tомаса Мальтуса.

Malthus was a curious figure. He was a theological graduate, but he was very well prepared mathematically: he came ninth in a Cambridge mathematics competition. If Soviet Marxists and modern social scientists knew mathematics at the level of a ninth-ranked university, I would take comfort in thinking that they were quite mathematically equipped. I was in Malthus' study in Cambridge and saw Euler's books there with his pencil notes; one can see that he was fully conversant with the mathematical apparatus of his time.