Interesting and Humour - page 3800

Igor Konyashin:

Well, now the economy's gonna take off. Definitely. Ah, let's get on with it!

back in 2014 ... from O'Henry...

Igor Konyashin:
The year was 2029. For nine years Russia had been cut off from the world by a solid concrete wall of barbed wire, impregnated with quick and deadly poison. The Wall of Salvation was the official name given to it by the authorities. The wall was erected on the orders of the Father of the Nation, Vladimir Putin, to save the Fatherland from the false values of the West which were corrupting the Russian people. Russia's new television consisted of two channels - one with Messages and News, the other with entertainment shows about the Stars and Olympians and thelife of the people, plus TV series and scientific documentaries from Igor Prokopenko...

Sochiy Voyevalin, a nimble lad of about 15, was as usual looking forward to the News, which would reveal to him the mysterious and dangerous world beyond the Wall. Going beyond the Wall was forbidden and punishable by quartering the transgressor and cursing the clan, but it was rumoured that from time to time trucks with some kind of "humanitarian" were entering Holy Russia from behind the Wall. In the Messages it was said, that the "humanitarian aid" is the tribute paid to Russia by the western countries, that God has not destroyed the Earth, while Russia prays for the rescue of the whole planet.

And then the National Anthem of Russia rang out on the television, and the disturbing music that always gave Socia the creeps, the thunderous melody seemed to penetrate under the skin, into the very soul, in the ears and eyes, right into the brain. What was about to happen? Is the West not shitting? Are there no abortions? How many dissidents have the Cossacks and Kadyrovites caught? How is it in Ukraine, which has been suffering under the oppression of the neo-fascist Banderites for 15 years now? Sochiy just hated the Bandera people, he knew that it was these renegades who were killing their ancestral grandfathers by shooting them in the back...

The screen lit up. Dmitri Kiselev's kind but stern face covered all available space, his huge truthful mouth distorted and uttered:

"In Ukraine, the distraught Banderaites have built a new fully robotic neo-fascist factory to produce high-tech products such as modules for life on neighbouring planets. The Russian oppressed population protests en masse, for Space is a sin, as are soulless machines. Radicals and extremists are making Russians suffer and keeping them out of our Wall of Salvation. How much longer?"

Sochii jumped up and abruptly turned off the television, he was shaking, the boy clenched his fists and bit his lips bloody. He wanted to scream, to run to the backyard, to break off a bollard from the henhouse and go to avenge the Russian-speaking people oppressed by Banderaism. How much longer can we do it! Why are we not bringing in the cavalry? Why?!

...The frightened chickens howled and, flapping their wings, scurried around the hen house, kicking up clouds of dust and feathers.

Denis Sartakov:
A distant 2014 ... From O'Henry...

Thank you! Awesome to remember)

Only what's that got to do with it here?

UPD: there was also a picture there, I remember. with Kiselev.
Igor Konyashin:

Thank you! It's great to remember)

Just what's the point of it here?

UPD: there, I remember, was also a picture. with Kiselev.

Well, "what's the point?" When we drove out the Czar, we thought.

"Well now the economy will take off. Definitely. Oh, let's get on with it!"

but something went wrong...

it's a little bit like...

As for"there was a picture of Kiselev, I remember." -

"I don't even want to put that in the book"...

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Why the nonsense.

Let's get this straight.

Surely the man must have been referring to the appliances that surround him, well, maybe cars too. He earned it, bought it. And there is nothing from the USSR.

Is it so?

Let us make a simple experiment on this lover of domestic appliances: we disconnect their electricity. Where does it come from? From the USSR. There is nothing new. And the gas too. But there's an even cooler solution to the Soviet legacy: we cut off his sewage system.

And now look around: What serious infrastructural things have emerged that would have been built in the last 30 years?

Mass-built houses? So the factories to produce them are Soviet.

Schools? Hospitals? Roads?

And now my opponent's most important argument: he sits at his computer and calls on his iPhone. And what money did he buy it with? The same Soviet oil and gas money. If we had not had all this from the Soviet Union, it would have been like Africa and the greater part of Asia: no electricity, no computers, no iPhones.

We would live on 30% of what is left of the USSR.

:) You like to turn everything off. Just like in the movie The Diamond Hand. San Sanych, didn't you used to work for the utilities?

The election results do not cast any doubt on the wishes of the overwhelming majority.

The vast majority, this substance is abstract and unfortunately - dumb.

And incapable of making good decisions.


The Bolsheviks, or rather the creative elite, who managed to usurp power for 70 years, rightly staked on such an abstraction as "the majority".

After all, this "majority", firstly, decides nothing, and secondly, is incapable of deciding anything.

Collegiality exists in Russia too. The president discusses all important issues with faction leaders and at the Security Council.

:) You have not yet understood that we have one man in charge of the country, one man making decisions, one man in charge of politics and quite successfully by the way. One problem is that he does not manage to do everything. I have a burst sewerage system, my neighbours are flooded, not my fault, it is a construction defect, but alas, they cannot make a decision.

I'm planning to call him in the autumn and ask him a question on the hotline... Maybe he can make a decision. Every year he has a hotline in the fall and every year it gets longer and longer and the citizens have more and more questions. If only they could clone him all the way down to housing bosses and school principals. I think we would have order. 2018 I will vote for GDP. But on the condition that he is cloned.



Photo: Sergey Mironenko

Thunderstorm Photo: Sergey Mironenko

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The vast majority, this substance is abstract and unfortunately - stupid.

And incapable of making good decisions.


The Bolsheviks, or rather the creative elite, who managed to usurp power for 70 years, rightly staked on such an abstraction as "the majority".

This "majority" decides nothing, and is incapable of deciding anything.

What do you suggest? Handing over power to the minority? But there is no such thing as democracy).

Olga Zarubina Summer Storm

Yuriy Zaytsev:

:) You have not yet understood that we have one man in charge of the country, one man making decisions, one man in charge of politics and quite successfully by the way. One problem is that he does not manage to do everything. I have a burst sewerage system, my neighbours are flooded, not my fault, it is a construction defect, but alas, they cannot make a decision.

I'm planning to call him in the autumn and ask him a question on the hotline... Maybe he can make a decision. Every year he has a hotline in the fall and every year it gets longer and longer and the citizens have more and more questions. If only they could clone him all the way down to housing bosses and school principals. I think we would have order. 2018 I will vote for GDP. But on the condition that he is cloned.

Yes, the system is not working satisfactorily. Do you think that if you put the opposition in power, it will immediately work well? Or maybe we should find a new Beria and put him in charge? We all are masters to criticize, but no one can offer a sensible solution how to correct it.

And the reasons are in our mentality. We'll never have the famous German order.

"... Yes, the Scythians are us! Yes, Asians we are!

With slanting and greedy eyes!"

(A. Blok)

Of course there are some mistakes made by president and government, this is inevitable. If others come to power, there will be other mistakes. But our mentality cannot be changed by a decree. Only evolution can change it, and this is a long process which requires the calm development of society without revolutions and upheavals.