Interesting and Humour - page 3865

Once he's gone, forget about Russia. The information gleaned from western news agencies is not quoted in Russia. Even Trump says there are only liars out there.

Let's talk about the truth of life then. The news today is that "the relics of Admiral Ushakov have arrived in Kronstadt". Very interesting, but he was buried. It turns out that he was canonized in 2001, i.e. he is a saint now. So they took him out of his grave and drive him around the country? Or what or how?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Let's talk about the truth of life then. The news today is that "the relics of Admiral Ushakov have arrived in Kronstadt". Very interesting, but he was buried. It turns out that he was canonized in 2001, i.e. he is a saint now. So they took him out of his grave and drive him around the country? Or what or how?

I'm not interested, I'm an atheist.
I'm not interested in that, I'm an atheist.
You are not interested in events (miraculous events) in the country you live in?
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Let's talk about the truth of life then. The news today is that "the relics of Admiral Ushakov have arrived in Kronstadt". Very interesting, but he was buried. It turns out that he was canonized in 2001, i.e. he is a saint now. So they took him out of his grave and drive him around the country? Or what?

Google banned? And Yandex?

In the post-revolutionary years Sanaksar monastery was closed, and the chapel, built over the admiral's grave, was destroyed. During the Great Patriotic War the order of his name was established, and the question arose about the place of the admiral's burial. A state commission was set up to uncover the admiral's grave on the monastery grounds near the wall of the cathedral church. Subsequently by the skull found was restored Ushakov's appearance (by the method of M. Gerasimov).[28] The admiral's grave was restored and together with the remains of the monastery complex was taken under state protection[13].

On August 5, 2001, Admiral Ushakov was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a locally venerated saint of the Saransk and Mordovia diocese (which was successfully promoted by the brethren of the Sanaksar monastery, the command of the Navy and Valery Nikolayevich Ganichev). The solemn divine service was held in the Sanaksar monastery. The act of his canonisation indicated:

The strength of his Christian spirit was manifested not only by his glorious victories in battles for the Fatherland, but also in his great mercy, to which even the enemy he defeated marveled... the mercy of Admiral Theodore Ushakov covered all[29].

On October 6, 2004 the Synod of Bishops of Russian Orthodox Church has ranked Feodor Ushakov to Church-wide saints in a face righteous. He is commemorated on 23 July (5 August) in glorification, on 2 (15) October in repose and on 23 May (5 June) in the Synaxis of the Rostov saints. Feodor Ushakov (not to be confused with his uncle and namesake monk Feodor of Sanaksar) is venerated as the patron saint of the Russian navy (since 2000) and the strategic air force (since 2005).

From August 6 to September 1, 2016, in honor of the 15th anniversary of the canonization of the Holy Righteous Warrior Admiral Theodore Ushakov, the bringing[30] of his relics from the Sanaksary Monastery to the city of Sevastopol will take place for the first time.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Aren't you interested in events in the country in which you live?
Since I am an atheist, I myself am puzzled as to the meaning of such ceremonies. Perhaps the church makes money this way. Everyone has his own business, and the church also does its business according to its canons.
Andrey Dik:

Googled banned? And Yandex?

So I'm not mistaken, they dug it up and are now driving it around the country?

Since I am an atheist, I myself am puzzled as to the meaning of such ceremonies. Perhaps the church makes money that way. Everyone has their own business, and the church does its own business according to its canons.

That's how interesting - you don't understand, but you have an opinion.

Since I am an atheist I am puzzled as to the meaning of such ceremonies. Perhaps the church makes money that way. Everyone has his own business, and the church also does its business according to its canons.

Even decent Soviet people have money coming out of their ears!

Canonisation is the Church's admission of a deceaseddevotee of piety into the ranks of its saints.

If it's about Ushakov.


The people of God have always gratefully esteemed a feat of a soldier - a courageous and brave defender of the Fatherland. But most dear to the people was he who had served the homeland not only in military valour, but also as an example of unshaken orthodox faith, true patriotism, wisdom and mercy. Such sons of Russia are surrounded by the memory of the people with a special love, and the Lord, through His Holy Church, has glorified them. Such, for example, were the holy Grand Dukes Alexander Nevsky and Dimitriy Donskoy.

Under the influence of western freethinking, the spirit of evangelical zeal in Russia declined, and how difficult it was for those who had held any public office to preserve and increase their evangelical virtues, which alone promote the observance of Christ's commandments and lead man to salvation.

One such zealous servant of the Fatherland and the people of God, who set a great example of military valor and Christian piety, was the admiral of the Russian fleet Feodor Ushakov.

Since childhood, having had before him an example of the holy life of his uncle - the Monk Feodor of Sanaksar, the warrior Feodor Ushakov with the help of God, through the prayers of the Monk and his zeal became a great naval commander. <Thanks to God, as the righteous man was fond of saying, not only was he not defeated in naval battles with the superior forces of the enemy, but he did not lose a single ship, and not one of his officers was taken prisoner by the enemy. The strength of his Christian spirit was shown not only by his glorious victories in battles for the Fatherland, but also by his great compassion, which amazed even the vanquished enemy.

At a time when the nobility and the upper classes were usually alien to the people's pain, the mercy of Admiral Theodore Ushakov covered everyone; he was a true griever of the people's needs: the subordinate sailors and officers, all the suffering and the destitute who turned to him, and all the peoples liberated by him outside Russia. <I hear people's requests and complaints from everywhere, and mostly from poor people without food ... > And to all he did what he could, and the people repaid him a hundredfold in return with love. At the same time he was a martyr of great virtues, an intercessor and advocate for the Russian army. <Do not despair! These formidable storms will turn to the glory of Russia" - this is his call dear to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland.

The grateful memory of Admiral Theodore Ushakov lives to this day, not only among the people and the Russian army, but also with other Orthodox nations, for the freedom of which the admiral fought alongside the Russian soldier.

Admiral Feodor Ushakov was not married,he devoted himself completely to serving his Fatherland and neighbor, and although he did not take monastic vows, his spirit was truly monastic - that is why the Lord gave him rest within the walls of the holy monastery, recreated with the labors and feats of his dear to him monk-elder Feodor. God's benefactors, who each zealously worked in their own field, they now stand before the Lord in prayer as intercessors for their native Fatherland.


It's all dough, dough... disgusting, nothing human ....


Just military propaganda - by all means, including church propaganda.