Interesting and Humour - page 821


That's the second one!

Explain, tell me, what did you think was crazy about this film?

Well, if I'm the first, I'll answer - there are indeed a lot of moments when Aron is half-forgotten, i.e. in delusional visions - I think I wrote about it, and I don't know if the director is stoned or not, you really want a film by such a director - watch "Me", I do not know how "stoned" the director is, but the film is interesting
well if you are the first one i will answer - there are really long moments when Aron is in half-forgetfulness, i.e. in delusional visions - i think i wrote about it, and i don't know if the director is stoned or not, you really want a film by such a director - watch "me", i do not know how "stoned" is the director of "me", but the film is interesting

That's right, the director made a farce out of a real man's real story with his fantasies

I understand - the movie is dough, but by overdoing it he ruined everything, because I exclude the possibility that Aron had something with him and used it for anaesthesia

And such extensive hallucinations on the basis of dehydration (what the hell dehydration on the second or third day?!) look like a joke.

he wanted to make it more dramatic (and it's enough - you wouldn't want anyone to get that way), which ruined everything

alexx_v: than all screwed up

That's where I agree a hundred percent! - the director overdid it, you described it very accurately, I watched the film a long time ago, I remembered that a lot of attention was paid to delusional visions - that's what I remembered

I'm dealing with ARMs now (I haven't been on the subject for 4 years)

At least there's some "Russia forward"!!! :

the main thing is to press the right sorting button )))))))))))))))))

About films that are sort of based on "true events". Nowadays, almost every 10th film is based on "true events"). I think it's a production ploy to attract visitors to the cinema and nothing more. And in general, as the saying goes:"You can't tell a lie - you can't tell it beautifully.")




Have you ever experienced thirst? And hallucinations? What are hallucinations and what are they caused by? Fever? A high fever with accompanying delirium. And if you consider that the man is constantly in a semi-standing position, does not eat or sleep properly and has his hand pinned by a 300-kilogram boulder that crushed his hand and he has to dare to cut it off, everything should be understandable. Take into account the physical characteristics of the person as well. Or is it still not clear? ))

I'm not just saying that. Purely from my own life experience. I have a lot to compare it to. ))

alexx_v: In the version I saw, there was no anaesthesia.

About films that are sort of based on "real events". Nowadays, almost every 10th film is based on "real events"). I think it's a production ploy to attract visitors to the cinema and nothing more. And in general, as the saying goes:"You can't tell a lie - you can't tell it beautifully.")
In this case, as in many others, it is not. Watch a film about the 2004 tsunami (300,000 people died). Also based on real events.

Have you ever felt thirsty? And hallucinations? Do you know what hallucinations are and what they are caused by?

It doesn't show hallucinations. It shows thoughts, fantasies, dreams. A day or two later, pictures of soda pop are shown, clearly not hallucinations, but an exacerbated desire. The main question about such situations is what the character was feeling and thinking, and that is what is shown in the film.

He could go away, of course, without food and he is thin, you can go away in three days, and even sleep standing up, i.e. not sleep at all.

They lied, there must have been a lot of blood, and he did not meet the tourists at once.

On the contrary, it was dull and tedious, and the goal was to convey the events and thoughts authentically, and it turned out very well.

tol64: I'm not just saying that. Purely from my own life experience. I have a lot to compare it to. ))
I also have a lot to compare it to, you like the film - OK, I think it's overplayed and a lot of focus on delusional fantasies - if you know, delirium is rarely memorable ;)

...They're not wolves, they're some kind of assassins.)

And you think a pack of wolves in winter are good circus dogs?
I too have things to compare it to, well you liked the film - OK, I thought it was overplayed and a lot of focus on delusional fantasy - if you know, delusion is rarely memorable ;)
Didn't like it and didn't dislike it. The film shows what the main character was doing and what he was thinking and that's it. It's practically a documentary.