Interesting and Humour - page 1748


That's it. We lost him. He was killed by a cat.

Comrades, kill your cats before they kill you.

As soon as the cat brings you dead food, put it in the microwave on full blast.


That's it. We lost him. He was killed by a cat.

Comrades, kill your cats before they kill you.

As soon as the cat brings you a dead hedgehog, put it in the microwave without delay and turn it up to full power.

That's what I did. I put a dead hedgehog in the microwave and turned it up to full...
He hid from me for a long time, then jumped around the corner. But... claims he didn't take it. Brought a second hedgehog and stomped on his belly.

He's still alive.

And you believe him? You don't have much time. Microwave him.

Where does that thing get so many hedgehogs?

Probably swapping it for slippers, the bastard.


He's still alive.

And you believe him? You don't have much time. Microwave him.

Where does that thing get so many hedgehogs?

Yeah, alive... sitting with the cat, eating a hedgehog out of the microwave, remembering... Me - my slippers, the cat - his pantry...

About the number of hedgehogs - he doesn't say, but he's sly, he smiles...


Yeah, alive... sitting with the cat, eating a hedgehog from the microwave, reminiscing... Me, my slippers, the cat, his pantry...

About the number of hedgehogs - he doesn't say, but he's sly, smiling...

I'm telling you, he trades them for slippers...
I'm telling you, he's trading in his slippers.
He and I have already gone to the shop to pick out a new pantry for him.

Why do you need Europe? It's boring there and we're going to be fun again.

Oh... Please... Odessa hasn't been driven out of Odessa by either intervention or occupation. Privoz stood and will continue to stand.
He and I already went to the shop to pick out a new pantry for him.

The horror. He's controlling you.

You buy him new slippers and he trades them back for hedgehogs.

You'll eat the hedgehogs and go get new slippers.

That's no way to live.