Interesting and Humour - page 2173



Yesterday my little Mitsune was acting up and wouldn't start on the first try. I'm an alarmist in the sense of my muffin, if any sneeze is out of order, I go straight to the doctor for service. I come and complain to mechanics about micechka's health. Well, I drive them in a box, make ultrasonic diagnostics of engines, no errors and the consilium of doctors in motoring comes to a conclusion - replace the spark plugs and keep on screwing, but in general, the recommendation to undergo a checkup. In the course of the play, I ask the attending doctor of the engine mechanics about changing all types of liquids and what brand is better. One of the key questions was about coolant, it is multicoloured :-) it happens and I do not know what brand is nolito there. The master unscrewed the cap from the radiator, dipped his dirty-black finger into the coolant and then put his finger into his mouth, rolled his eyes to the ceiling, sniffed and said "the coolant is green"... Oh, boy! Then he put his finger in the power steering oil bottle, put his finger in his mouth, whiffed and said 'don't bother buying, we have it'. So, my muffin is in good hands :-)
  • 2014.04.04
  • ledi_sever
Вчера мой мицунечка чота закапризничал и заводился не с первого раза. Я вапще паникерка в смысле своей маффынки, если вдруг какой чих не по уставу, сразу к врачу на сервис. Приезжаю, жалуюсь врачам механикам на здоровье мицечки. Ну, загоняю в бокс, делают узи диагностику двс, ошибок нет и консилиум врачей мотористов приходит к выводу шо свечи...



Except that if you click on the constructor's declaration, the process is slowed down by the context menu asking you to choose whether to go to the class header or the constructor's implementation.

For overloaded functions the same brake

You can tell - fun NoTeapot :)
For overloaded functions the same brake
Makes sense in principle. I think we won't be able to see ME with psychic powers for a long time yet ))

Makes sense in principle. I guess we won't be able to see ME with psychic powers for a long time to come )).
That would be quite interesting, wouldn't it?
everyone sleep until monday!!!!

US: A repeat of the stock market collapse is near!

The P/E ratio (stock exchange value to earnings) averaged over all companies in the S&P500 list is now at 15.2 - exactly the same level as the highs reached in October 2007:

США: Повторение биржевого коллапса уже рядом!
США: Повторение биржевого коллапса уже рядом!
  • 2014.04.04
  • from_aftershock
Показатель P/E (биржевая стоимость к прибыли компаний), усредненный по всем компаниям списка S&P500 сейчас составляет уровень 15.2 - ровно тот уровень, что имел место на максимуме достигнутом в октябре 2007: