Interesting and Humour - page 335

Alexander Pushkin

(to a Russian liberal)

You have enlightened your mind,
You have seen the face of righteousness,
And tenderly love'd foreign nations,
And wisely hated your own.

When silent Warsaw rose up,
And riot intoxicated with rebellion,
And the mortal struggle began,
At the cry of "Poland is not dead!"

You rubbed your hands in our misfortunes,
and with a sly laugh you listened to the news,
when the regiments were running at a gallop,
and the banner of our honour perished.

When the revolt of Warsaw lay crushed
in ashes and flames and smoke,
You bowed your head and wept bitterly,
Like a Jew for Jerusalem.


Alexander Pushkin

(to a Russian liberal)

You have enlightened your mind,
You have seen the face of righteousness,
And tenderly love'd foreign nations,
And wisely hated your own.

When silent Warsaw rose up,
And riot intoxicated with rebellion,
And the mortal struggle began,
At the cry of "Poland is not dead!"

You rubbed your hands in our misfortunes,
and with a sly laugh you listened to the news,
when the regiments were running at a gallop,
and the banner of our honour perished.

When the revolt of Warsaw lay crushed
in ashes and flames and smoke,
You bowed your head and wept bitterly,
Like a Jew for Jerusalem.


Don't mock the poems, there are some words missing. You've got it all together.
At least don't mock the poems, there are missing words. You've got it all in one.

So? What difference does it make? Whoever needs it can find the correct ellipsis and line breakdown in official sources.

For example, here

And as for "missing words", so it's there: "Thou enlightenedst Thine own mind (p. 357). The autograph of the poem was lost and it is known from a very imperfect copy, from which in some places only by a hunch one can extract incomplete lines."

p.s. Who would have said anything about distortions and mockery?


p.s. Who said anything about distortion and bullying?

What can I do? My pension is small, good, but very small, and the state department gives me money. I get $5 for a post denigrating the government I love and $10 about Vladimir Putin. We live like this.

We can barely make ends meet. And how are you doing?


Where did you go? Can we talk?

Well, let's get on with it.


... ...the State Department's giving it away. $5 for a post denigrating the beloved government and $10 about Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. That's how I live.


To the detractors of Russia.


What are you people's whigs making such a fuss about?
Why do you threaten Russia with anathema?
What angered you? Lithuanian unrest?
Leave it alone: this is a dispute between the Slavs,
A domestic, old dispute, already weighed by fate,
A question which you will not resolve.

For a long time now these tribes have been at enmity
have long been at enmity between these tribes;
and more than once their side has fallen in the storm.
their side, or ours.
Who will stand in unequal contest?
The stingy gentile gentile, or the faithful Russians?
Will the Slavic streams mingle in the Russian sea?
Will it run dry? That's the question.

Leave us alone: you have not read
These bloody tablets;
You don't understand, you don't know.
This family's enmity;
The Kremlin and Prague are silent to you;
You have no reason to be tempted
The fight of desperate courage...
And you hate us...
For what? Answer me, for what?
That in the ruins of a burning Moscow
We did not acknowledge the insolent will
of him under whom you trembled?
For the abyss we have fallen.
We have buried the idol of the kingdoms.
And with our blood we have redeemed
for Europe's liberty, honour and peace?

You are a fearsome man in words, try it in deeds!
Or the old bogatyr, dead on his bed,
Can't screw up his Ismailian bayonet?
Or is the word of the Russian tsar powerless?
Or is it new for us to argue with Europe?
Or is the Russian unused to victories?
Or are we not enough? Or from Perm to Tauris,
From the cold rocks of Finland to the fiery Colchis,
From the shaken Kremlin
To the walls of motionless China,
With steel bristles gleaming,
Will not the Russian land stand up...?
So send us, ye vigilantes,
your angry sons:
There's a place for them in the fields of Russia,
Among the coffins that don't belong to them.



To the detractors of Russia


What are you people whispering about?

I wonder if you have any thoughts of your own?

And why should I believe Pushkin thoughtlessly? His views? Pushkin does not know Russian history, but it is axiomatic to believe him.


Is that why I should mindlessly believe Pushkin? His views? Pushkin doesn't know Russian history and you have to believe him as an axiom, why should you?

That's what Pushkin's lines are about:

You have illuminated your mind with enlightenment,
You have seen the clear light of truth, You have tenderly loved foreign nations,
You have wisely hated your own.

Here is the state department unequivocally knows Russian history and we can believe it axiomatically puppetically