Interesting and Humour - page 4708


Probably about the fact that the transparency of the air varies, if you look horizontally, for example, from the city a few days a year you can see the mountain range, which at a distance of about 100 km.

In the daytime you can see it even at 100 km, but at night you can see it at 45 km? I have my doubts.) We should drive closer to the mountains. You can see better there.


В светлое время суток на аэрогидрометеостанции определяется дальность видимости щитов, установленных на аэродроме через 100 м до расстояния 1000—1200 м, окрашенных в черно-белые квадраты. Эта дальность видимости близка к метеорологической. В ночных условиях метеонаблюдатели определяют дальность видимости лампочек белого цвета мощностью 60 Вт, установленных на тех же щитах.


This is where my eyes have cleared up. I'll see better at night).

Everything turns out to depend on the clarity of the air, not whether it's dark or visible.


When you need a track for a party so you don't have to change the record:




- Please send us an invoice!

- I can't hear you!
- Send us an invoice!
- Send us an invoice for what?
- Send the fucking invoice. I spell it out. Inna! Natalia! Valery! Olga! Irina! Sergei!

- Who the fuck are these people????

Denis Sartakov:

- Please send us an invoice!

- Can't hear you!
- Send us an invoice!
- Send us an invoice for what?
- Send the fucking invoice. I spell it out. Inna! Natalia! Valery! Olga! Irina! Sergei!

- Fuck, who the fuck are these people????

Irina didn't fit. Gotta Y.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

Irina didn't fit. You have to Y.)

Реter Konow:

No, there is a singer called Yolka, or nearly so....

Denis Sartakov:

No, there's a singer called Yolka, or nearly so....

She's a tough broad. I like her Yolka, but she's not right for a wife.