Interesting and Humour - page 1018

I loved the Weasel Magic Black ad in the comments... Has she really been wearing the same dress all 24 years?

Yeah, the comments are great.


Such a nice boy he was, and he grew up to be a Jew!

+4 maxv sent 3 hours ago #
Mum looks good in all the pics, the last one just shows how she gave up :( Age, dog.
And the last car I like better, yes.

+2 Yoda posted 1 hour ago #
wicked you, i was looking at the pics for about 15 minutes trying to find the dog.
p.s. found 2 negroes ;)

In my building next door, a group of young people went to a dumpling factory. They've been working for a few months now. And they love it.

I like dumplings, too.

Man, now I'm hungry.

Where did you say the factory was?


Forward . To the victory of communism!

Learn. Learn and learn.



Six hours to go
Winter's not over until everyone throws away their Christmas trees.

Bastards, who hasn't thrown away the tree?!

Bolkonsky must have been jumping on it from morning till night.

No, it's minus 20.


but who wants a car, not expensive at all, self collection, limited time offer

341 minutes left