Interesting and Humour - page 704


"I bought an English in my sleep course. For a whole year I put the cassette on before going to sleep.
The results are brilliant. Not quite the same, though - at the sound of the English language I instantly pass out, even in the street.

For two weeks now, I've been wondering which is the right one: Two squirrels came out
out of their: 1) Duplo 2) Duplo 3) Duplo 4) Duplo 5) Dupel

It was not for nothing that Gorky called his play At the Bottom. At the bottom of what?
Student: "At the bottom of what?

Poets have a muse, poets have music.

The Russian language is a difficult subject. The spelling of particles is a separate subject,
which a lot of people just don't get around to. That's why some people write, "All things work out
- is for the best," and some write, "Everything is for the best." Oddly enough.
both are right.

<<In the end amongst the ends you will find the end at last. Translate that
to an American and look into his eyes.

The letter Yo is really necessary in Russian. For example, try rewriting
the Russian proverb: "With this tsar, we will all die." with the letter E.

Still, the phrase "The hairy bumblebee" sounds beautiful in Polish -
"Hairy bumblebee"!

Pushkin's whole life teaches us that a talented man
must first learn to shoot.

Gerasim did not actually drown Mumou. For who told this story
to Turgenev if Gerasim was deaf and dumb?

Two students walk into an English class. The teacher says:
- Sit down!
One says to the other: - Look, what did he say?
- He said: "Sit down, retard! "

- Do you speak English?
- Only with a dictionary. I'm shy with people for now.

He made seven mistakes in the word "PUBLIC", spelling "APSCHYAGA".

A meaningful sentence with five indefinite verbs in a row
It's time to get up and go and buy a drink!
Or a complete sentence of five verbs without punctuation or conjunctions.
"We've decided to go out and buy a drink."

When they say Excuse me - it just means they're going to do a nasty thing. And ah.
if they say sorry, they've already done it.

I read the signature on the letter: "Brothers Horse-killers." In utter horror.
I asked, "Who's that?! Turns out the Konovalov brothers decided to transfer their last name
to translate.

A German translator boasted that he knew Russian perfectly,
he could translate any phrase. So he was offered to translate it into German:
"kosch Kos Kosoy"...

Graduating 11th grade.
- The following essay topic is offered to you: "The image of a mother in
"The image of the mother in text messages"...

Writers used to have FIRST WRITING. And now it's CLAVA writing?

If you write to a man, "Idiot here," will he take it as
an invitation or an expulsion?

Well, if it isn't Pushkin, son of a bitch! Have you ever tried to chew emeralds yourself?!!!

Glory is when your surname is not underlined in red in Word.

A student is asked during an exam:
- Do you know Lermontov's murderer?
- Of course, but he's not a murderer, he's a great poet...

The evolution of writing: ... - pictographs - hieroglyphs - letters - emoticons -
pictographs -...

A true intellectual will never say, "I was a fool and I'm still a fool,
he'll say, "time has no power over her."

Herman finally realised he needed three cards to be happy: -
Flash card, SIM card and SMART card.

In his 20s, he knew nine operating systems. And not a single woman... ****

So this is the table where the Ukrainian prime minister gets the national average wage

That's how you do it))

And we have hang gliders, photographers, reporters, "someone didn't fly", blahblahblah ...