Interesting and Humour - page 3424

Andrei Etylkut:
Bummer. I had a cat the same colour in the spring :'(
It wasn't me.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Benjamin Fulford: George Soros has been murdered by the White Hats community.

It has been reported that George Soros is dead. It's already been discussed at the Pentagon meeting.

Soros has been taken out. One by one all members of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate have been mopped up.

Ben Fulford , 19 November 2016.

Already true? Hunchback Bear has been buried for who knows how many years and that cholestirin swollen creature just keeps on living and mooing, "Don't wait for it!"
You can't clean that old fart up like that! Especially in his own territory. And it's high time to forget about Mishka. The main thing is to ban him from entering the territory of the former Soviet Union. Let him go back to America and suck his dick.

Giant snow globes


Kittens to your ribbon:

Now we're getting there! Now they're letting cats in the fur.
Alexey Busygin:
We've had it! Now they're using cats for fur.
Come on, it's all over China.
Alexey Busygin:
We've had it! Now they're letting cats into the fur.
Again, not me.
Финляндия станет первой страной, запретившей уголь
Финляндия станет первой страной, запретившей уголь
  • 2016.11.24
  • Иван Ортега
Финское правительство 24 ноября 2016 года официально заявит об отказе от угля до 2030 года. Окончательно этот шаг будет утверждён в парламенте Финляндии в марте 2017 года. Хотя на данный момент дешёвая энергия из возобновляемых источников значительно снизила долю угля в финском энергобалансе, он всё ещё отвечает за каждый двенадцатый...
That's not me.


Again - it wasn't me.


Server Muradasilov:

Ishima Ohashi Bridge, Japan

Stelvio Pass, Italy

Nice hill :) And if there's ice...