Interesting and Humour - page 4261

Yuriy Zaytsev:

One messenger more and one less.

I haven't had any problems with this blockage. So what if does not open, is enough for me, if not enough I will switch to Chinese.

Despite attempts to block it, messenger continues to work, but it is either not smart enough or they are afraid to go the way of more developed neighboring countries.

Von, the Chinese have vast experience in such blocking, and the North Koreans have no access to the web at all.

We can slowly move towards the North Korean option as well, it is a more reliable way.

You should find Durov and bring him to justice, he has caused so many problems!

What are the authorities doing?


Soon there won't be enough slippers for all the programmers)))

Google has released a free app called Grasshopper, which allows users to learn programming in a playful way.

Google выпустил бесплатную игру для обучения программированию Grasshopper
Google выпустил бесплатную игру для обучения программированию Grasshopper
Прежде чем приступить к практическим заданиям Grasshopper предложит пользователю изучать теоретический блок с основными правилами программирования. После этого начнется игра, по мере прохождения которой задачи будут усложняться. Также Grasshopper будет постоянно высылать уведомление пользователю, который забыл о тренировке. Эксперты считают...
Denis Sartakov:

We need to find Durov and bring him to justice, he caused so much trouble!

What are the authorities doing?

It would be cheaper to send him to North Korea for re-education.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The question, do you have google banned, doesn't seem idiotic anymore.

Oh, come on!


So much for that!

But the question makes perfect sense!
Yuriy Zaytsev:
But the question made perfect sense!

A VPN is everything!


A VPN is everything!

Oddly enough, VPNs are also easily covered up. I once had an ISP that would not allow any VPN connections.



Yuriy Zaytsev:

VPNs, oddly enough, are also easily covered up. I once had an ISP that would not allow any VPN connections.

So far all vpn work without problems in spite of the ghouls from rosmordor, maybe there was just no command to bring down the iron curtain...


Yes, yes, perhaps the joy was premature, people are still working:

It has become known that Andrey Anokhin, a deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly from the Just Russia faction, has put forward a draft law "On the protection of citizens from the negative impact of online communities on the Internet".

It has become known that a draft law "On Protecting Citizens from the Negative Impact of Networked Communities on the Internet" was put forward by Andrei Anokhin, a member of the St Petersburg Legislative Assembly from the Fair Russia faction.

In particular, it is proposed to limit citizens' use of social networking sites to three hours a day, as well as the implementation of

accessing the Internet via the Gosuslugi (State Service) website.

These measures have been proposed in order to protect citizens from "the threat of inadequate perception of realitydue to

of the transition from real communication to communication in social networks".

Earlier, the MP boasted that he had not used the Telegram messenger for six days and was feeling fine.

Anokhin then urged him to follow his example by giving up the Internet.

In October, Anokhin suggested another way to improve his well-being. At one of the parliamentary sessions

the MP said that he had been sober for three years and "felt better and better every day".