Interesting and Humour - page 3794

Dmitry Fedoseev:

First you need to figure out how you parasitised society and prevented others in your society from living life to the fullest.

To live or to eat?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

To live or to eat?

To live. And eating was your only value, so that you could be served on a plate.

Ученые открыли бабочек, самки и самцы которых видят мир по-разному
  • 2017.05.19
  • CC BY 3.0 / Greg Hume / Heliconius erato taken at Krohn Conservatory butterfly show.
Бабочки-геликонии обладают уникальной системы зрения, работающей совершенно по-разному в организме самцов и самок, причины чего пока не ясны, заявляют генетики в статье, опубликованной в журнале Molecular Biology & Evolution.
There is an older species in which males and females see the world differently - humans.

True, for a different reason than heliconia butterflies :)
СанСаныч Фоменко:

First we must disassociate ourselves from those who have destroyed MY habitat, those who have not just betrayed MY habitat, but also destroyed everything their lustful hands could reach for. The country is still a third short of what it was in MY habitat

Well, it is understandable, if in the days of advanced socialism someone used to eat through a distribution centre, and ride a black Volga, and then could not fit into the new environment - it is not surprising that their first desire is to distance themselves from, or to destroy those who destroyed their habitat. One option is to get into the "elite" and build a habitat for himself, no matter what social structure or country. In any case the first task will be to protect habitat, to annihilate competitors, not to let unwanted people in - is also in the list of tasks.

But I have to admit that they ate much less back then, and now they are eating much more. They build vineyards, buy real estate abroad, educate their children abroad, buy yachts, bourgeois trainers and shirts, take their dogs on planes, and build "sacred villas" near Gelendzhik.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Well it is quite understandable, if in the times of developed socialism some people were fed through a distributor,

Before my PhD: two small children, a wife who does not work, often 3 rubles left a week before payday.

I drove a black Volga.

the kids got a car and a flat in the 90s, which I remember as such a big dump with constant gunfire

that his first wish would be to disassociate himself, or to destroy those who destroyed his habitat.

My habitat under socialism started with participation in the Mars exploration programme, and ended up as chief engineer of a data processing system - one of the biggest in the country.

But I have to admit - they ate much less back then and eat much more now.

A myth that has been widely propagated. The only clear advantage of a market economy. And if you dig - minus 7 million people, minus birth rate, minus life expectancy by 15 years. Why would that be?

Here's a statistic.

In 90's we ate a lot more on the shelves than in the following years of food abundance (except bread and potatoes). Leveled off around 2005.

Here is a typical graph.

It's a bit different for different foods, but always the same picture: a sharp fall starting in 1990 and this fall stops in 1995 and starts a gradual increase.

Someone started to eat a lot less, someone a bit more - there was no room for it, and the rest went to the garbage to keep the prices down.


I can't understand why I always prepare myself before writing posts and a lot of people just blather on and on.

Потребление основных продуктов питания в СССР и РФ
Статья опубликована в №43 (март) 2017 Разделы: История Размещена 03.03.2017. Последняя правка: 27.02.2017. Потребление основных продуктов питания в СССР и РФ Ханов Айдар Рашитович аграрный экономист ООО "Грин Сити"главный бухгалтер Ставится задача подтвердить гипотезу о дефицитном характере плановой, социалистической экономики в части...
СанСаныч Фоменко:


I can't understand why I always prepare myself before writing my posts, but a lot of people allow themselves a lot of blah-blah-blah.

Because people who think they have taken off their rose-coloured glasses live in a black and white world. And there are few options there.

Aleksey Levashov:
SanSanych, you have to give up everything what these "fucking life teachers" have created and done, because it's very easy to do it and give it up.

What a stupid thing to do, to figure out who made it and at whose expense.
СанСаныч Фоменко:


Yes... you can feel the Soviet school, even the sugar intake is controlled.

СанСаныч Фоменко:


I can't understand why I always prepare myself before writing my posts, while a lot of people allow themselves to blather on.

I tried to read what you wrote in your post - it's scary to think what would have happened if you hadn't prepared.

СанСаныч Фоменко:


my environment under socialism started with participation in the Mars exploration programme


Sadly, the cool toys with the people's money were ruined.