Interesting and Humour - page 4413

Don't forget it's Friday)))
Vladimir Tkach:
Trump has Russian roots after all.

And the kilt is Scottish.)


Friday to every Robinson!))

Friday and Robinson

Vitaly Muzichenko:

... and bought milk, as alcohol kills neurons.

I am afraid that this mission is not achievable especially on a Friday)))

Friday at the shop.

-Give me zero percent ultra-pasteurized milk that's not powdered and two hours fresh...

-Unfortunately, we don't have that.

-So give me 0.7 Khortytsa or something)))

A woman walks into an expensive boutique. She is greeted at the entrance by a young salesman, all groomed.
- Hello! I'm pleased to welcome you to our shop. You can buy practically everything from handbags to fur coats. In our shop offers products from leading manufacturers and designers. Only exclusive models are sold in our shop.
- But I have no money.
- What are you doing here, stupid? Get out of here! Go begging and buy your clothes at the junkyard!
- But I have my husband's platinum credit card.
- Hello again!

Friday evening
Aleksey Nikolayev:

The music is great, the girl is superfluous, and a minuscule song please.


The music is great, the girl is superfluous, minus the song (magic word: please).

Perhaps you just prefer brunettes)


from Alexei Romashin


Young Konstantin Raikin, being a man of both temperament and literary talent, kept a donjouan diary.

Writing down, so to speak, his impressions of man's early life.
According to the laws of drama, Kostya once forgot his diary, in open form, on his father's desk - and,

and came back from the institute and found his parents studying the diary with interest.
- Yes, - daddy stretched. - Interesting... I was more modest when I was your age, - he said after a while.
- Well, you made up for it later, - Mum remarked, somewhat spoiling the pedagogical process. But the pedagogical process

was just beginning: Raikin Senior suddenly changed the subject.
- You know, Kotya," he said, "a barber hanged himself in our entryway...
Kotya didn't immediately follow the plot twist:
- A barber?
- Yes," Arkady Isaakovich sadly confirmed. - The barber hanged himself. Left a suicide note.

Do you know what he wrote?
Raikin Sr. took a great pedagogical pause and, giving the child time to concentrate, finished:
- "You can't outrun them all!"