Interesting and Humour - page 4943

I'm going outside,
I'll catch a chicken.
I'll tie it by the tail

It'll be a steam train!


There'sa glass on the table,
There's a lily in the glass.
What are you looking at me for,
Crocodile face!


Taken from - Teasers and silly rhymes in the USSR

Дразнилки и дурацкие стишки в СССР
Дразнилки и дурацкие стишки в СССР
Среди обычных считалок были у нас в детстве дурацкие коротенькие стишки, обзывалки и дразнилки. Этот детский фольклор рождался порой из ничего: случайно оброненное или неправильно сказанное ребенком слово превращалось в затейливую дразнилку. Позже стишки обрастали «хвостами», к ним добавлялись новые четверостишия, и сочиненное произведение...

one step away from inventing the wheel...


not photoshopped

- Kowalski, options.
- Strategic retreat.
- Explain...
- We flee, but courageously.
© Penguins of Madagascar




In 1705 an Irish woman, Marjorie McCall, died of fever and was buried as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the disease.
The woman was placed in a coffin with an expensive ring, which her husband was unable to remove from her hand because of swelling. This made the grave an attraction for thieves robbing the bodies of the buried.
That same evening, while the ground was still loose, the intruders dug up the grave and removed the coffin. Unable to remove the ring, they decided to cut off the finger. As soon as blood appeared from the incision, Marjorie awoke from the coma she had fallen into during the day, sat up in the coffin and screamed.
The fate of the thieves remained unknown. Marjorie managed to get out of the coffin and the woman went home.
John McCall, Marjorie's husband, was at home with the children when he heard a knock on the door. The man said to the children, "If your mother were still alive, I'd swear it was her knocking." Unlocking the door, he saw Marjorie behind it in her burial clothes, with blood dripping from her hand, and dropped dead. He was buried in a coffin, which his wife vacated.
Marjorie lived many more years, remarried and had children. When she finally died she was buried in the same Shankill Cemetery (Lurgan, Ireland). Her tombstone has survived. On the stone is written: 'Lived once, buried twice'.

P.S. Dedicated to Volodka Izerski...

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:
In 1705 an Irish woman, Marjorie McCall, died of a fever and was buried as soon as possible to prevent the disease spreading.
The woman was placed in a coffin with an expensive ring, which her husband was unable to remove from her hand because of swelling. This made the grave an attraction for thieves robbing the bodies of the buried.
That same evening, while the ground was still loose, the intruders dug up the grave and removed the coffin. Unable to remove the ring, they decided to cut off the finger. As soon as blood appeared from the incision, Marjorie awoke from the coma she had fallen into during the day, sat up in the coffin and screamed.
The fate of the thieves remained unknown. Marjorie managed to get out of the coffin and the woman went home.
John McCall, Marjorie's husband, was at home with the children when he heard a knock on the door. The man said to the children, "If your mother were still alive, I'd swear it was her knocking." Unlocking the door, he saw Marjorie behind it in her burial clothes, with blood dripping from her hand, and dropped dead. He was buried in a coffin, which his wife vacated.
Marjorie lived many more years, remarried and had children. When she finally died she was buried in the same Shankill Cemetery (Lurgan, Ireland). Her tombstone has survived. On the stone is written: 'Lived once, buried twice'.

P.S. Dedicated to Volodka Izerski...

This is not the limit for Vova, he resurrects every Monday
Denis Sartakov #:

one step away from inventing the wheel...

Nah, we already have wheels, it's a speed limiter test so you don't accelerate too much)

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:
In 1705 an Irish woman, Marjorie McCall, died of a fever and was buried as soon as possible to prevent the disease spreading.
The woman was placed in a coffin with an expensive ring, which her husband was unable to remove from her hand because of swelling. This made the grave an attraction for thieves robbing the bodies of the buried.
That same evening, while the ground was still loose, the intruders dug up the grave and removed the coffin. Unable to remove the ring, they decided to cut off the finger. As soon as blood appeared from the incision, Marjorie awoke from the coma she had fallen into during the day, sat up in the coffin and screamed.
The fate of the thieves remained unknown. Marjorie managed to get out of the coffin and the woman went home.
John McCall, Marjorie's husband, was at home with the children when he heard a knock on the door. The man said to the children, "If your mother were still alive, I'd swear it was her knocking." Unlocking the door, he saw Marjorie behind it in her burial clothes, with blood dripping from her hand, and dropped dead. He was buried in a coffin, which his wife vacated.
Marjorie lived many more years, remarried and had children. When she finally died she was buried in the same Shankill Cemetery (Lurgan, Ireland). Her tombstone has survived. On the stone is written: 'Lived once, buried twice'.

P.S. Dedicated to Volodka Izersky...

Conceived the idea of burying him alive? 😁😄 No, let him go to the factory!