Interesting and Humour - page 1334


Another option for a joke. :)

Grifter, where did you steal two plates?

Any other versions?

Yes. If not Putin, then the cat.
Grifter, where did you steal the two plates?
They merged with the shadow of the right leg over the left leg and are obstructed from view by the bullshit. You can't see them in the photo. Do you see them? )))
They have merged with the shadow of the right leg through the left leg and are obstructed from view by the cocksucker. You can't see them in the photo. Can you see them? )))
I get it. You decided to make me visually impaired.
Yes. If not Putin, then the cat.
Putin solves the problem of delays
Tavarisch, in the upper right corner of this composition, we are watching the growth of the horseradish. And the shadow that the crown of the horseradish casts on the ground is bullshit.
You always complicate things.

Now it's on.

A ship for every Russian by 2050

A wife asks her trader husband:
- Darling, we got married five years ago, but I still don't know what you do at work.
- You see, darling, it's quite difficult to explain... Well, it goes something like this. Imagine we went to the market yesterday and bought a hundred rabbits and today there was a flood and all the rabbits drowned. So we're sitting there thinking - why the fuck didn't we buy a hundred fish instead of rabbits yesterday?