Interesting and Humour - page 3303

and where are the words SELL DOCUMENTATION here? Do you even understand what it means to produce in another country under licence?

Have we been drinking to poke me ? Let's be mutually courteous and reasonable people.

A sale is the exchange of goods for money.

A commodity also includes intellectual property. See above:"Saudi Arabia will have intellectual property rights and design drawings."

From the same source:"It is the intellectual property clause that is most controversial. On the one hand, Kiev is transferring its know-how abroad. On the other hand, the prototype of the An-132, the 'thirty-second', can hardly be called the latest technical development. The plane took off in 1976. And if now there is a possibility to sell its modernised version abroad, why not use it. On the domestic market Antonov cannot boast of a swarm of orders, and the strategic enterprise has to survive somehow."

Арабский «Антонов»: как и зачем украинский Ан-132 стал саудовским - ИА REGNUM
Арабский «Антонов»: как и зачем украинский Ан-132 стал саудовским - ИА REGNUM
Арабские страны — потенциально хороший рынок сбыта украинских самолетов, но их нужно заинтересовать.  Украина на днях торжественно презентовала новый самолет — Ан-132. Так, госпредприятие «Антонов» продемонстрировало видеопрезентацию нового самолета, которую прокомментировал и президент страны Петр Порошенко. «Отличная...

Well, the contract actually concluded includes:

1. Antonov's completion and sale to China of the second Mriya, which now exists as a fuselage without wings.

2. China's upgrading of the first Mriya - electronics and navigation.

3. Production of aircraft from 2019 in China under Ukrainian license.

Well do you think the sale of the "Dream" is right? I have not heard of Boeing or Lockheed Martin selling the rights to their UNIQUE products to China. Built as a vehicle to deliver and air-launch the reusable Buran It itself became the only aircraft in the world with such a capacity and payload. After the Buran project was scrapped, the Mriya first rotted in a hangar. Then it was restored by Ukrainian enthusiasts. And the work went on.

It is necessary to deliver a stage of a space rocket to the Cape Canaveral - ok, no problem!

To deliver a huge generator from Germany to Armenia - I give you a fantastic!

BELAZ giants from Minsk to Siberia or wind generator blades to Australia - easy too!

The Discovery Channel has made a film about it.

It has become a kind of symbol of Ukraine. Who has the biggest plane in the world? Ukraine!

And it was built by the whole community, which was then called the USSR.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Well, do you think it's right to sell the Dream? I haven't heard of Boeing or Lockheed Martin selling the rights to their UNIQUE products to China. Built as a vehicle to deliver and air-launch the reusable Buran It itself became the only aircraft in the world with such a capacity and payload. After the Buran project was scrapped, the Mriya first rotted in a hangar. Then it was restored by Ukrainian enthusiasts. And work began.

And it was created by the whole community, which was then called the USSR.

I am immensely glad that the Mriya was sold to the Chinese: the largest aircraft in the world, as one of the proofs of the might of the USSR, will live on. And this proof will never be forgotten.
Yuri Evseenkov:

Well do you think it's right to sell the Dream? I haven't heard of Boeing or Lockheed Martin selling the rights to their UNIQUE products to China.

Just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Boeing 737 начнут собирать в Китае - BelBiz
Boeing 737 начнут собирать в Китае - BelBiz
Американская авиастроительная компания Boeing подписала с Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac) соглашение о строительстве в Китае завода по выпуску самолетов серии 737
Alexandr Saprykin:

Have we been drinking on the brotherhood table to poke me ? Let's be mutually courteous and reasonable people.

A sale is the exchange of goods for money.

A commodity also includes intellectual property. See above:"Saudi Arabia will have intellectual property rights and design drawings."

From the same source:"It is the intellectual property clause that is most controversial. On the one hand, Kiev is transferring its know-how abroad. On the other hand, the prototype of the An-132, the 'thirty-second', can hardly be called the latest technical development. The plane took off in 1976. And if now there is a possibility to sell its modernised version abroad, why not use it. On the domestic market Antonov cannot boast of a swarm of orders, and the strategic enterprise has to survive somehow."

))))))))) Well, if regnum has become a "foreign media" then I have no further questions!

I won't even scoff at the fact that there is no reference to the mythical "document" in the article, but only the words of some mysterious "head of the committee of economists of Ukraine"....


Just because you haven't heard something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I was talking about UNIQUE specimens. I specifically highlighted that word in that post. The Boeing 737 is the most commonplace aircraft. There are more than 8 thousand of them produced. If the company sold the rights to the Boeing X-37, an orbital plane capable of delivering cargo into space, I would accept your argument.
Yuri Evseenkov:
I was talking about UNIQUE specimens. I specifically highlighted that word in that post. The Boeing 737 is the most commonplace aircraft. More than 8 thousand of them have been produced. If the company sold the rights to Boeing X-37, an orbital plane capable of delivering cargo into space, I would accept your argument.
The main thing is to inadvertently equate "transfer the rights" and "assemble".
Yuri Evseenkov:
I was talking about UNIQUE specimens. I specifically highlighted that word in that post. The Boeing 737 is the most widely produced aircraft. More than 8,000 of them have been produced. If the company sold the rights to the Boeing X-37, an orbital plane capable of delivering cargo into space, I would accept your argument.

Mysterious logic - quantity dependence. And a secondary enigmatic logic - why would China need an aircraft capable of ONLY launching missiles into orbit, unlike the Mriya?

OK, let's play it - does selling a license to produce a unique Be-103 amphibian aircraft by Sukhoi to China count or not?

СанСаныч Фоменко:
The main thing is to inadvertently equate "transferring rights" and "assembling".
And another question - does Airbus, which sold the A320 production licence to China, count or not?
And another question - does Airbas, which sold the A320 production licence to China count or not?

Let's not equate the Mria with the 320. Okay? The 320 isa narrow fuselage aircraft.

Only two countries in the worldwere able to buildwide-bodyaircraft: the USA and the USSR, and the Mriya was built only in the USSR. Then with great difficulty the united Europe. And let us not forget that at the same time they destroyed the entire civil aviation of the USSR.

Now the builders club will consist of 4 countries: US, EU and potentially RF and China. This is what Ukraine has done.