Interesting and Humour - page 2270


complain about the post - at the bottom right hand side of the post.

state the reason, referring to the rules of the forum


the complaint about the post is at the bottom right hand side of the post.

state the reason, referring to the rules of the forum.

only the "follow the rules" link goes to -- but the full text of the rules only the initiated know how to find it.

Or you can invoke the full rules by some kind of shamanism.


Fedor Konyukhov.
Day 121.
4 months on the road

"Today, April 22, exactly four months ago, I set off from the Chilean town of Kon Kon. I set off into the unknown with a rough idea of what awaited me. Of course, I had read the book by Thor Heyerdahl and Jim Schecker, but it was their experience. Here I have my own chronicle and my own life."

День 121. 4 месяца в пути - Федор Конюхов
День 121. 4 месяца в пути - Федор Конюхов
У меня средние глубины на маршруте порядка 5 тыс. метров, а здесь почти в два раза больше - 10 тыс. метров. Не могу сказать, что я почувствовал разницу между таким перепадом глубин, но когда задумываешься, что под тобой 10 километров океанской воды, в которой можно утопить гору Эверест, дух захватывает. Тихий океан поражает своим масштабом, глубинами, мощью.

Death amended: first clinical trial of reviving people approved

The fact that US officials have allowed experiments on humans means that the method has already been shown to be effective and safe on animals. Which means that reality has come closer to what has previously only happened in literature and film - from Sleeping Beauty to Avatar.

The clinical trial, which Pittsburgh doctors will conduct in the next month, has nothing to do with cryonics or transhumanism and is designed to allow surgeons to save a patient. A severely injured person usually dies from blood loss when vital organs, especially the brain, lack oxygen. However, by putting such a patient into suspended animation, the vital organs fall asleep and suffer less from lack of nutrition, so that doctors have precious extra time to close the wound and restore the integrity of ruptured vessels.

To put a person into anaesthesia, doctors will replace the patient's blood with a special saline solution which will cool the body down from the inside. An artificial blood circulation machine will then be used to restore blood circulation and "revive" the person again.

"We stop life, but we don't like to call it anabiosis because it sounds like science fiction. So we call it urgent preservation and recovery," Samuel Tisherman, a surgeon and study leader,told New Scientist.
Gunshot victims to be suspended between life and death - health - 26 March 2014 - New Scientist
Gunshot victims to be suspended between life and death - health - 26 March 2014 - New Scientist
NEITHER dead or alive, knife-wound or gunshot victims will be cooled down and placed in suspended animation later this month, as a groundbreaking emergency technique is tested out for the first time. Surgeons are now on call at the UPMC Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to perform the operation, which will buy doctors time to...

Good night.



Men with low affluence prefer large breasts, while affluent men prefer small breasts.

Hungry men find bigger breasts more attractive than satisfied men.

Swami, V., & Tovée, M. J. (2013). Resource Security Impacts Men's Female Breast Size Preferences. Plos One, 8(3), e57623. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057623[PDF].

Он подумал и выбрал ту, у которой грудь больше. Исследования)
Он подумал и выбрал ту, у которой грудь больше. Исследования)
Несколько фактов о психологии женской груди   За последнее время появилось несколько исследований, так или иначе касающихся женской груди, а точнее связанных с ней мужском и женском восприятии и уста…


Thank you.


Guys, love your homeland and live in friendship


Patriotic russian cat listens to anthem standing up