Interesting and Humour - page 1653


That's it, we're all officially under the hood now). Big Brother is with us and he's watching us.

We were already covered by SORM2. Only now the ISPs will have to buy their own money

+100500 Vital :)))
We were already under the SORM2 umbrella. Only now the ISPs will have to buy with their own money
With their own money? No, we pay for everything. Providers don't take money out of thin air, they get it from customers. In 95% of cases, the end consumer pays for everything.
On your own? No, we pay for everything. Providers do not take money out of thin air, they get it from customers. In 95% of cases, the end consumer pays for everything.

That is not the point. The point is that it makes more sense for them to buy with their own money and keep it for themselves. Access is already there through sorm2 anyway, all that remains is to write.

Why hang it on the provider, it is not clear.


That is not the point. The point is that it makes more sense for them to buy with their own money and keep it for themselves. Access is already there through sorm2 anyway, all that remains is to write.

I don't understand why they need to hang it on the provider.

I think it is easier for them. After all, to keep and configure the equipment, it takes time and specialists. But you come, show your certificate and ask for the information you need. And if the provider failed to provide the information, you automatically have a scapegoat). Why do something yourself when you can leave the work to others?)
The F.S.B. has approved an order for Internet eavesdropping.

The order obliges ISPs to install special equipment that records and stores all traffic for at least 12 hours.

That's it, we're all officially under the radar.) Big Brother is with us and he's watching us.

You mean - they need moderators? How will they get into it without moderators ...
You mean they need moderators? How will they manage it without moderators ...

Commentary by an American from the New York Times on an article about raising the US national debt:
- Imagine this. Imagine coming home and your sewer system is broken and shit from all over the neighborhood is pouring into your flat. There's so much shit that it's under the ceiling. And to solve the problem, you raise the ceiling.


*from a conversation with a developer about site-building
ххх: not my thing
ххх: want to dig graves
ххх: always clear TOR and everyone keeps quiet
ххх: and they won't make you dig over when you already buried
ххх: like the customer decided to make minor changes in the project
ххх: put green, not white
ххх: and polka-dot underwear
ххх: and you buried the wrong person


It's impossible to be immune to assholes - they mutate all the time.