Interesting and Humour - page 1521


Today is the birthday of the smiley face!


What's wrong with our president's hands?


Good morning


Troop Sweet November


What's wrong with our president's hands?

Where is the official source?

It looks like photoshop.

And Shoigu's and Rogozin's hands also seem to have been photoshopped, just the other way around, for contrast.


What's wrong with our president's hands?

The bulletproof vest is constricting the blood vessels, the blood doesn't drain well :)

Where is the official source?

It looks like "photoshop".

And the hands of Shoigu and Rogozin also seem to have been photoshopped, just the other way round, for contrast.

There are other photos though.


There are, however, other pictureshere.

The hands are fine, age-appropriate.



Men wear moustaches and beards,

And discuss all sorts of problems.

Twenty percent of them are gay

Forty percent of them are vodka drinkers

Thirty percent of them are impotent

Ten percent of them have a problem with their head.

That adds up to a hundred percent,

And we've got nothing left.

¶ you're wearing revealing clothes ¶

♪ And sometimes you have to shave ♪

Forty percent are frigid without vodka,

Thirty percent of you are looking for a prince.

Twenty percent of you are lesbians

Ten per cent of you are unfaithful to everyone.

Hence the queers and the drunks,

But we have you all, even though it's dirty.