Interesting and Humour - page 2766

There is no carbon there. Fianide is zirconium dioxideZrO2
Zirconium is also not in the ash), the article deals specifically with the production of artificial diamond from carbon
Алексей Тарабанов:
Probably. By the way, this is Russian technology, and this stone is not called a diamond, but fianite, from the word FIAN.
Diamond and fianite are two completely different chemical formulas
Oleg Tsarkov:
Something is wrong here, what carbon? It burns without residue, only the salts remain, so the ash is white.
Why would it burn without residue? I don't know about human ashes, but I do know that the ash from coal combustion contains from 10 to 19% pure carbon, depending on the brand. That's pure carbon, because there's also CaO.
Why would it burn without residue? I don't know about human ash, but I do know that the ash from coal combustion contains from 10 to 19% pure carbon, depending on the grade. It is pure carbon because there is also CaO.
I read about the composition, I didn't find any percentage, just a small amount. It might be enough)
How much are these stones? Will it come out of dogs? How much does the equipment cost?
Alexandr Murzin:
How much are these stones? Will it come out of dogs? How much does the equipment cost?
You're making a bad joke about dogs. No such stone is worth the life of even a mongrel dog.
A dog is the only creature on earth capable of loving someone more than itself.
Алексей Тарабанов:
Probably. By the way, this is a Russian technology, and this stone is not called a diamond, but fianite, from the word FIAN.

No, we're talking about diamonds.

Alexandr Murzin:

How much are those stones? Can you make them out of dogs? How much does the equipment cost?

It is expensive. There is some symbolism in making diamonds from ashes, so the price is exorbitant.

In fact the same diamonds can be made from food waste. Only expensive.)


No, we're talking specifically about diamonds.

Expensive. There is a certain symbolism in making diamonds out of ashes, which is why you can charge triple the price for them.

In fact, the same diamonds can be made from food waste. Only expensive.)

Artificial diamonds are cheaper than natural ones.
Artificial diamonds are cheaper than natural diamonds.
Why bother with this ash, there is no proof they don't use regular graphite. They just don't say anything.)
Oleg Tsarkov:
Why bother with this ash, there is no proof they don't use regular graphite. They just don't say anything.)


We need to check the technology on gotkiewicz.