Interesting and Humour - page 3739

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The paws are a bit odd for a bear.
That's what they wear these days - weird paws, but glamorous :)
Alexander Antoshkin:
Does anyone know how much cognac to put in the coffee in the morning to make it good?

It's better to put a drop of coffee in the cognac to make sure it's good.

who gets milked in the morning? )

at the source of the milk rivers )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

who gets milked in the morning? )

haven't you forgotten yet where the rivers of milk flow from? )

No way. Milk 'grows' in the shop!

Dairy department


By the chicken grouse.)

As long as there are rats in the house, there will be no riches.)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

On the chicken grouse )

As long as there's rats in the house, there's no riches.)

Google's not the major - let it write.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
Maybe it would be better to completely remove taxes from producers of agricultural products, including 13% from individuals, provided that the production itself is located in the countryside and there are no employees, including the management, who do not live in the village. And control, as soon as the director moves to town, to impose taxes ... from him personally to the full ...
Maybe milk will start appearing fresh and not in boxes with a shelf life of half a year.

You have the wrong forum. And badly mistaken branch. Please take a break.
Alexander Antoshkin:

google is not a major - let it write

Download video

heh, it's only a needle to kill Kaschei )
Alexander Antoshkin:
Hey, boy. What's your hurry, don't you want to talk to the old akyn? Sit down, listen to the tale. I'll tell you about the tax. Old, old, eastern fairy tale. No, you shouldn't go there without a tale - sit down, I say. Pour tea, break a piece of bread, smoke some hookah (the right kind of weed, by the way), and listen to the old akyn. What's a tax, you know? The word "koshchei" itself can be found in the annals of the XI-XII centuries, it means a slave or a prisoner, most likely being a borrowing from the Turkic, and it is not etymologically connected with the mighty wizard Koshchei. It is possible that the name of the fairytale hero comes from the dialectic word kast' (abomination, filth). And as it is a character of mainly oral legends, there are two equivalent spellings of the hero's name - Koshchei and Kashchei. And, "slavery is a system of society structure, where a person (slave) is the property of another person or the state"? ... And what else was told there. About the League of Nations. Listen. There was such an organization, the League of Nations, clever people created it in 19-20 years of the last century. Then it mutated into the UN. So it was it that formulated the term "slavery" that man still uses to this day. She said: "Slavery refers to the position or condition of a person over whom some or all of the powers inherent in the right of ownership are exercised." Do you think you're free as in not Koshchei?

It doesn't matter who he really is, it's knowing how to piss.

Nowadays everyone is free to choose the slavery they like )

Alexander Antoshkin:
Hey, boy. What's your hurry, don't you want to talk to the old akyn? Sit down, listen to the tale. I'll tell you about the tax. Old, old, eastern fairy tale. No, you shouldn't go there without a tale - sit down, I say. Pour tea, break a piece of bread, smoke some hookah (the right kind of weed, by the way), and listen to the old akyn. What's a tax, you know? The word "koshchei" itself can be found in the annals of the XI-XII centuries, it means a slave or a prisoner, most likely being a borrowing from the Turkic, and it is not etymologically connected with the mighty wizard Koshchei. It is possible that the name of the fairytale hero comes from the dialectic word kast' (abomination, filth). And as it is a character of mainly oral legends, there are two equivalent spellings of the hero's name - Koshchei and Kashchei. And, "slavery is a system of society structure, where a person (slave) is the property of another person or the state"? ... And what else was told there. About the League of Nations. Listen. There was such an organization, the League of Nations, clever people created it in 19-20 years of the last century. Then it mutated into the UN. So it was it that formulated the term "slavery" that man still uses to this day. She said: "Slavery refers to the position or condition of a person over whom some or all of the powers inherent in the right of ownership are exercised." Do you think you are a free kind of non Koshchei?

Antoshkin! How much of your flubber has been deleted, and you're still there. And at least you'd say something of your own! Otherwise you're copying someone else's thoughts and don't even bother to provide links to the source.
This is not good, plagiarism - it is not in honor these days.
And in general, to paraphrase A. С. Pushkin, that's what I'd say about you:

Everything about you is pale and indifferent,
You're a dull, boring man.
In the barren dryness of your speeches
and copypastes and tidings.
There's not a thought in the whole twenty-four hours,
"if by any chance, if by any chance.